Chapter 26

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Addie's P.O.V

My words granted him access to continue. He leaned against the edge of the bed, bringing me between his thighs. His hands were placed lightly on my hips and they traced patterns. He hadn't done this in a while, except when we went out the night before. I took off my coat because it was getting in the way. I was left in my leggings and a stripped shirt. It was tighter than most shirts. Calum's eyes bulged at the sight of my shrunken shirt. In the few seconds my coat was removed, his eyes had darkened drastically. 

My legs wrapped around him so I was sitting on his lap.  Our lips connected once again and his tongue slipped into my mouth. I was now laying on my back with him hovering over me. In one swift motion, I tugged off his jumper and threw it on the ground next to us. His stomach tightened with each breath he took, tightening the muscles. He worked on removing my shirt, leaving me in leggings and a bra. He studied my exposed chest and gave me another kiss.

Calum gripped my sides and brought them to his lips. He traced the curved of my hips bones with kisses. The sight of him made my insides fumble around. It resulted in a jumble of problems and both of us laughed our heads off. I'd never realized how his laugh was one of the most beautiful sounds in the entire world. Not even the sounds of birds chirping or the melody of your favorite song could compare to it. I could listen to that laugh every second of my life. He connect our lips, but it wasn't working. Both of us were smiling far too much.

We finally managed to undress each other. He was resting on his forearm's telling me how much he loved me . Calum managed to be the sweetest person on the entire planet even during sex. He was the perfect guy, and I couldn't be happier that I was with him right here and right now.


 Calum's P.O.V

"Holy Shit Calum put some god dammed clothes on" Luke's shouts caused Addie to jolt up next to me. My yes raked down her body, thankful she decided to put on my jumped. There is no doubt that Luke would be killed if he saw Addie naked. He'd already seen me naked so it wasn't really that big of a deal. Half of the female population had seen me naked actually. I stumbled under the covers and reached for Addie. Only she wasn't there. I could hear her laugh through the thin walls of Michael and Ashton's room. I pulled on a pair of joggers and a vest and unlocked the adjacent hotel door. 

On the bed closet to the door sat Luke, Ashton, Niall and Louis and on  the opposite sat Harry, Addie and Michael. They all quit laughing as I entered the room. I shifted awkwardly in the doorway, not sure if they wanted me there.

"Hey lover boy." Louis shot me a wink just as Addie's face filled with embarrassment. I took her into my arms and shot Lou a glare that could surely kill. The snickers faded as Harry cleared his voice. Louis stared at him as if he held all the power in the world. In their group he did hold most of it. Most of the boys wither feared or just looked up to him. Liam was by far the most responsible, but Harry had taken the reigns years ago.

"What are we doing today?" Harry looked between us expecting a definite answer than none of us could give him. We sat in an uncomfortable silence until Addie cleared her throat.

"I could show you guys some of my favorite places until the show? Or we could get lunch and go see a movie." We all nodded and agreed to go get lunch and look at a few places. Everyone dispersed to their rooms the get ready. I followed Addie into the small hotel bedroom to get ready. She pulled her ashy blond hair into a braid that ran along the back of her head. A few shorter pieces framed her rosy face. She applied her makeup before I could even finish brushing my teeth. She changed into jeans, uggs and my jumper and pulled that hideous coat over her body. 

"Babe, is it okay if Blair comes with us?" Blair already hated me and I didn't really fancy seeing her today, but she was Blair's best friend and I couldn't possibly say no to her. Especially not today.

"Yeah that's fine." I changed into a hoodie, ripped jeans and my jacket. She smiled at my appearance knowing she'd won the coat war. It seemed like ages since we bickered over a dumb coat, but in reality it was only a couple hours ago. We met the rest of the group in the lobby. They all had hats on, but I didn't even think to pack one. As if reading my mind, Ashton pulled a gray beanie out of his coat's pocket and handed to me.

"So we ready to explore?"

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