Chapter 18

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The sun was blinding me. It's brightness was only adding to the pounding in my head. I finally mustered up the courage to open my eyes. I was instantly blinded, but barely noticed due to the sight of my room. Glass was scattered across my floor surrounded by empty bottles. It was a mess. I dragged myself from the bed to clean up the mess. Ripped pictures of Addie and I lied on the floor. What happened last night? I decided to call Addie to figure it out. 

"What do you want Calum?" Her voice was full of venom and I'd never heard her so mad.

"I miss you" I could hear the whining in my voice, but I ignored it. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? You've got to be fucking kidding me." 

"Babe, I don't remember anything. I'm sorry for whatever I did."

"Just check your twitter." The line went dead. Sighing, I logged onto Twitter. 

 Guys never fall in love with an American. They'll screw you over every time.

Glad I never loved her in the first place!!1!1!

There was no way I was the one to tweet that. I loved Addie more than anyone else in the world. She must have really pissed me off if I would've said that. 

"Cal, Get your ass down here!" Michael's voice filled the house's hollow walls. 

"You guys are fucking assholes." His gaze flickered between Luke and I with such hatred that it caused me to step back. I'd never seen Micky this mad. 

"First off Calum how dare you tell her to chill when you were out pashing Charlotte." So what I kissed Charlie. I was drunk and it meant nothing. It was gross anyways, she was like a sister to me. 

"Mike, You're the one who needs to chill. Addie was out with Harry probably doing the same thing." Harry had called me early this morning when I was half asleep. He told me how much he loved Addie and how happy he was for us. He'd probably just woke up from fucking her. 

"And you" Michael's anger was now directed towards Luke. "How could you fucking say that to her?"

"Say what?" The confusion was evident in his voice. Luke almost looked scared of what Michael would say back to him. 

"That Charlie was 100 times better than she would ever be and that if she didn't call Cal, who was being a dick to her, you'd never speak to her again." It was an unspoken agreement that we had to call Addie. It was just a matter of what we'd say.

Addie's P.O.V

5 Seconds of Summer were the worst thing to ever happen to me.

Ashton Irwin. He couldn't be a better friend. I loved that boy with my whole heart. His laugh could brighten up a room in seconds. I could tell him anything and trust that it would stay between us. I was going to miss him the most. 

Michael Clifford. The man of many hair colors, or so I'm told. Personally, I've only seen his red hair, but looking through old photos I could tell there'd been many more. His smile made every one around him happy. He never stopped joking and even when I was in the worst of moods. He was the only one to cheer me up.

Luke Hemmings. The one I thought would be my best friend for years. I guess I never knew him well enough. He was so great to me. Picking me up to get food when I was hungry or watching pointless movies with me when everyone else was busy. Then he had to go and ruin it. I had just wanted to talk on the phone, but he blew up. Now I'd never see him again. 

Then there Calum. I was so in love with him. I still am. Something about him made you fall instantly for him. His kisses sent me over the edge and his touch made chills run along my spine. His breath against my skin and his husky voice in the morning. I loved how he sang in the shower and  it still sounded amazing when he wasn't even trying. But I had to get over him. We were done and I knew it. When we loved each other I was sunshine and butterflies, but when we were angry at each other it was tidal waves. And he was pulling me under. 

The familiar ring of my Skype sounded throughout Blair's small apartment. She was at the studio for rehearsal. I made my way to the kitchen where my laptop sat. Calum's name filled the screen. Maybe this is the closer I needed. 

"Hey Cal" I tried to hide the pain, but by his expression I knew I'd failed. Luke appeared next to Calum. Scarlet filled my cheeks due to the anger entering my body. I didn't want to be mad at Luke, but he seriously fucked up. 

"Gorgeous, I'm so sorry." I cringed at the use of his pet name for me. It meant nothing to me anymore. He did look genuinely upset at himself as the words left his mouth. Maybe he really didn't mean what he said. 

"I can't just forgive you Cal. Maybe it's best if we just break up. We're never happy together." Every word made my heart ache. I was the happiest I'd ever be with Calum. I only ever argued with him to see if he'd come back to me. 

"The kiss meant nothing and you know it" his voiced  pleaded with me. What kiss? He'd kissed that girl?

"You kissed her?" My heart instantly shattered into a million pieces. It was one thing to just be with her, but if he kissed her... that was unforgivable. 

"Uhh.. yeah. But Addie I was drunk and I missed you."

"That's not an excuse to cheat." With that I ended the call leaving myself in a wake of silence that was all too lonely. 

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