Chapter 22

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Calum's P.O.V

Something different took over Addie's body. She was emotionless. Cold and hard like a rock. It was terrifying. I just wanted her to scream and me instead of her new technique at controlling her anger. I wanted her to punch me or get so angry that she shook. Not sit there with zero emotions. Luke's eyes were filled with pure hatred, but I still had yet to understand why.

"How dare you." Luke's teeth gritted together and his face flushed. He shoved me backwards from my previous stance. Addie stood between us and stopped Luke.

"He doesn't know" Addie's palm pressed softly against Luke and his expression broke. His eyes softened at Addie's touch. Her tone was still cold as she looked into my eyes. Her iris' were glazed over as if tears were about to fall from them. "I'll drive you guys let's just go." 

Her hand molded into mine as she pulled me quickly out of the small bar. Luke and I stumbled down the street toward his rental car. Addie practically threw us in, yet through the anger radiating off her body, she was still the most beautiful girl in the world. Her cheeks were pink from the cold and her ash blonde hair looked as if she came straight from the beach. It's waves were more defined as if she spent hours perfecting them even though it was natural. Her eyes were greener than her usual blue. 

I took in her body as she rounded the car. The leggings she wore made her ass look amazing, yet it wasn't too revealed due to the purple peacoat covering half of it. She looked preppier in New York than in Australia, but I quite enjoyed it. We didn't look as if we worked together this way. I was some tatted up "Bad Boy" while she was the sweet good girl. Yet, most of these people in New York didn't realized who she really was. She was my dream girl who had almost as many tattoos and one that wore hockey jerseys and underwear to bed. She was the girl who hated boy bands and classical music and loved Nirvana and Greenday. In New York no one knew who Addie truly was except me.

But I loved her both ways.


Addie's breaths were light against my bare chest. Her eyes fluttered against my skin while I smoothed her hair. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. Addie came to our hotel last night after Luke and I begged her. Blair wasn't going to be home so she agreed fairly quickly. We stayed up to talk until 3, but there was no way we were great to have a with conversation last night. From the way my head was pounding out of my head I must've had way too much to drink. 

Addie'd eyes shot open the second I released myself from her. I was in desperate need of a Macca's breakfast. It was the best hangover food I could think of. 

"Oi, what are you doing up?" She was picking up on random Australian from us boys and it was adorable. Her hair was unruly and her mascara was smeared under her eyes giving the appearance she wore eyeliner. It made her look more bad ass in a way due to it's messiness. Addie was the only girl in the world that looked hot in the makeup from the day before. Her leggings and cropped sweater only aided her look.

"I'm going to Mecca's" Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Erm I mean McDonald's." Addie's face lite up at the mention of the terrible breakfast. She sat up in the bed and made her way to the bathroom. "What do you want?" I whispered through the door, careful not to wake the snoring Luke. 

"I'm coming with" She smiled her pearly whites and made her way towards the door. My arms wrapped around her bare waist to hold her back. Her stomach tensed at my sudden touch and I took in the view. You could tell just by looking at her she was fit. Her abdomen was defined yet solid abs hadn't taken over  it's surface. She still held curves despite her athletic build.

"Stop looking at me like that." Her eyes narrowed at me as if she was reading my thoughts. Her arms crossed over her pale skin. 

"Sorry you're just really cute." 

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