Chapter 17

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Addie's P.O.V

"Love. Harry Styles called you love!" Blair dramatically fell to the couch with the biggest smile on her face. She hadn't stopped talking about how Harry was "flirting" with me the entire night. When he kissed my cheek it sent her way over the edge.

" I mean you are dating Calum, are best friends with Luke and have Harry all over you. You're living my dream life!" She sent me an angry glare, but there was clear humor behind her eyes. She switched the TV on while I joined her on the couch. 

"Turn on E. I've missed my American drama." It was pretty boring. Taylor had broken up with another boy and Justin Bieber was arrested. Nothing new was circling around. I closed my eyes to drift asleep. 

"5 Seconds of Summer's Calum Hood was spotted out on the town with a mysterious girl. While is girlfriend, Addie Miles, was with One Direction's own, Harry Styles. Is there already trouble in paradise for this young couple?"

I jolted upward at the news while Blair scrolled through her instagram feed. My first news special was full of lies about my love life. But who was Calum with?

"Here she is." Blair tilted her phone in my direction as if reading my mind. Calum's arm was slung loosly around her shoulder as they sat on the beach. She wore a small bikini that flattered her even while sitting down. Her dark hair was in natural curls that spiraled down her back. She was tanned and in the picture her smile shone brightly. Calum looked beyond happy to be with this girl that was 100 times more beautiful than me. Before I realized what I was doing, my finger's dialed Calum's number. I knew it was mid-day so there was no way he'd be asleep.

"Hello Gorgeous, miss me already?" Even over the phone I could tell he was smirking. Blair excused herself to take a shower to give me some privacy.

"Is that your way to show me you're not interested anymore?" Mine tone came out softer than I had intended.

"What are you even talking about Ads?" He let out a small chuckle.

"Ooh I don't know Calum. Maybe the fact that you're on the beach with some model only a day and a half since I'd left you. Maybe that's what I'm talking about." He cursed under his breath. 

"Addie that's my friend from High School. Chill." My blood was boiling higher than a point it had ever reached before. 

"Good idea Cal. Let me just call up Justin to see if he wants to hang out" I ended the call quickly before he had a chance to respond. I had struck something sensitive in him and I knew it. He hated when I talked about my relationship with Justin. He knew I'd been more in love with Justin than I was with him. The thought killed him. I decided to call Luke to take my mind off it. 

"You're such a dumbass Addie." His voice was full of anger. 

"Miss you took Luke" I tried to lighten the mood, but it clearly wasn't working. 

"You better call him right this second or I swear to god I will never talk to you again." 

"He doesn't deserve my call Luke! First he gets drunk out of his mind then the next morning he's hanging out with some bimbo! Fuck him Luke." 

"No you know what Addie, Fuck you. That girl is 100x better than you will ever be." The anger in his voice brought tears to my eyes. This time it was Luke was the one who ended the call. The wave on sadness hit me instantly. It felt like a tidal wave pulling me under it and it was was too overwhelming. 

Blair exited her bathroom wearing shorts and a tee shirt. I inspected it closer to only realize what it was. 5 Seconds of Summer was typed onto the back with the boys signatures filling the open space. On the front was a group shot of their album cover. The pain in my heart was steadily growing. 

"I'm moving home."  Tears slowly fell from my eyes, but Blair didn't say anything. Instead, she just ran her fingers through my untamed locks until I fell asleep in her arms. 

Calum's P.O.V

Addie had the nerve to call me about being with Charlotte when she was out with Harry. Of course Harry would be trying to fuck Addie. She probably already did and wasn't telling me. He could have her for all I cared. I continued to smash the last picture frame containing any evidence of us together before heading downstairs. 

"You need to break up with that bitch" Luke sat on the couch surrounded by empty bottles. His words were slurred so I knew he didn't mean it. He loved Addie almost as much as I did, but in completely different ways. Maybe he loved her more now that I wanted nothing to do with her. I should tell the fans. 

Guys never fall in love with an American. They'll screw you over every time.

They'd get the hint. I hoped Addie would see it. Maybe she'd get the hint that I was done with her. Speak of the devil. 

"Hey Slut" I found my own words slurring.

"Umm this is Addie's friend, Blair." I had seen pictures of Blair. She look like a stuck up rich bitch.

"Ahh the prissy best friend herself" I couldn't contain myself from laughing. Damn I was funny. 

"Calum get ahold of yourself or you're going to lose her" She was getting pissed, but I made me laugh harder. 

"Good. When she wakes up tell her we're done." I chuckled once more before throwing my phone down and grabbing another beer. 

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