Chapter 45

11 4 5

Addie's P.O.V

Phase One: Contact All Time Low

Phase Two: Schedule time that 5sos cannot come to

Phase Three: Meet our true loves

Begin Phase One.

"Just text them already." I groaned, shoving Ashley's side. She glared at me from across the room, reaching around to find her phone. Her little belly was growing each day even though it was still unnoticeable  to most people. But after spending so much time around her, I could tell. She was barely 2 months pregnant. 

"Should I just be like 'hey boys wanna chill?' or what?" She sighed, placing her phone back down. We were bored out of our minds everyday since the boys had interviews and practice almost everyday. But it was all about to be worth it since the boys were preforming tomorrow with One Direction. Speaking of the 1D boys, they were meant to be here any second. I still hadn't seen them this trip. 

"Ads? Ash?" I heard a knock on the hotel room door. Ashley and I turned out heads sharply, wide smiles covering our faces. We both ran to the door, I tripped over Lucas' bed causing me to fall to the floor just as Ashley opened the door. The boys on the other side of the door burst out laughing at my miseries. 

"Shove off Styles" I groaned, rolling my eyes in his direction. The boys quickly stopped laughing mostly due to Luke's warnings earlier this week. He explained to them that I wasn't afraid to throw a quick punch and if necessary was trained in the art of Hockey fights. Haz already knew that, just ask that bruise that stayed on his arm for nearly a month. 

"Hey Z-man long time no see." I smiled at his direction. He opened his arms for me, even though I hadn't spoken to him in nearly 3 months. Of course he was still friendly as always. 

"Your best friend doesn't get a hug?" Harry asked, opening his arms for me. I scanned the room and ran towards Niall. 

"Of course he does." Niall ruffled with my hair and hugged me back. Harry scoffed, throwing his bags on my bed. "Umm what are you doing?"

"I'm sharing the bed with Lucas. You know, bonding time with my best friends and you. " Harry glared. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the other boys. We chit chatted for a while before the 5sos boys got back. Cal gave me a quick kiss, and hugged all of his friends. It had only been about 3 weeks since we'd seen them, but it was clear they'd missed each other. I guess I understood. I already missed Trev like crazy. 

"Ads, want to go get sushi?" Calum asked, snaking his arms around my waist. I nodded, telling him I needed to change.

 Ashley lent me a pastel blue crop top and a white skater skirt. I paired that with a pair of black converse and instantly felt Japanese. I applied a quick sweep of eyeliner, which I never wore, and let my hair fall naturally. I had to admit, I felt good. This was the first time I'd dressed up in at least 2 weeks. 

"Looking good, Ads." Michael said, winking. I smirked back at him and pulled Calum out of the hotel room. We quickly scanned each other's bodies. He sported a pair of dark wash jeans and a plain black vest. 

"You-look-so-perfect." He whispered, kissing me between words. "And I love you more than anything." 

A felt a blush creep onto my cheeks. His hands held my hips in place as we backed up against the wall. Our tongues were swirling around in each other's mouths. I tangled my fingers into his hair, pulling slightly. As always, a moan escaped his lips. 

"File out kids, these two love birds are about to bone." Lou shouted. On command, everyone walked out of our room, single file. They made their way into Michael, Ashton and Ashley room which was adjacent to ours. Cal and I laughed awkwardly at their passing. Once the door was closed, Calum spoke. 

"What to majorly screw with them?" I nodded as he pulled me back into the room. "We're about to pull an 'Easy A', babe." 

We begun jumping on the bed and moaning loudly. The headboard was banging on their room. We could hear them talking shit on the other side of the door. Calum was really going all out even faking his finish. The boys all screamed at us to shut up which caused Cal and I to nearly cry due to laughing. They all barged in once they were sure we done. 

"Wait you have clothes on?" Ashley noticed. "And your hair looks good still!"

"We've been punked!" Ashton screamed, throwing a pillow at both of us. Hell broke loose soon after. Someone tackled me, causing me to fall onto the bed. I managed to flip around and was met with Luke's face inches from mine. I kicked his stomach, causing him to roll to the side. Cal hit the floor hard, Louis mock punching his sides. Ashley and Liam were standing on the side, chatting away. 

I checked Harry hard into the wall. He groaned, shoving me backwards where I hit a hard surface. It was Ashton. He grabbed me from the chaos, which was quickly growing out of hand. These boys were rowdy and honestly didn't know when to stop. I pulled Calum off of Zayn who were shoving each other. I know they were joking, but I just wanted to go to sleep at this point. 

"Movie time boys." I shouting, pushing the boys to the ground. In our bed was Luke, Ashley, Calum and I. The other bed held Harry, Lou, Liam and Michael. The couch had Zayn, Ash and Niall. Were were all snuggled together watching Divergent which had been out for almost a year. Somehow I was the only one who'd seen it. But I didn't mind because Theo James was a god. Literally.

"Babe, you look tired. Go to bed." He kissed my head as I snuggled deeper into his side. The last thing I remembered was Theo and Tris kissing, much like I wished I could do to Cal every second. 

Woahhh shit ending my bad.  But here ya go kiddos. More exciting things to come! Maybe ATL next chapter ;))))))

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