Chapter 42

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Calum's P.O.V

"I'm at the airport where are you?"

"I see you. I'm in the red car." I waved out the window. I attempted to exit my car, but security forced me in to keep traffic flowing. That caused Ashley to have to lift her massive bag into my backseat by herself. I was an ass for that. We begun driving towards my place. She would be staying there for the next 2 weeks, until she started tour until we all went to LA.

"You never really told me why you're in Australia. Not that I mind, the boys and I love having you here." She game me a weak smile, pulling her hair into a loose ponytail.

"I came here because I need to tell you something." I nodded for her to continue. "I'm- uh pregnant."

"Congrats Ash! I bet Peder is so excited." I pulled her in for a tight hug, but released her when she didn't hug back.

"Calum you don't understand. You're the father." I couldn't have heard her right. There was no way I was the father of her child.

"It's got to be Peder's. We haven't had sex in over a month."

"Yeah, dumb ass. I'm two months pregnant." I couldn't form any words. I mean of course I was happy to have a child, but not with Ashley. I had Addie, a career and I was only 18. There was no way I could let her raise it alone too.

"Well what are we gonna do?"

"I'll tell the press I hooked up with someone. Then you don't have to tell Addie or the press you're involved."

"Ash, I'm not letting you take the blame for this."

"Well it's better than the world thinking you're an ass for cheating on you're perfect girlfriend and everyone blaming me for breaking you up."

"I don't give a shit what they think. I'm coming out with you to tell the truth."

She sighed, pulling me in for a hug. We'd decided to watch a movie to chill after such a stressful day. I couldn't imagine what was going through her head. She had to fly across the world, not knowing what I was going to say. it must've taken a huge toll on her. But I didn't mind. I was going to be a bloody father. And I was going to have to tell Addie at some point.

"When are we gonna tell the boys and Addie?" I asked. It had been 2 weeks since our huge blowout over Trevor. Turns out, he was a really nice lad. One Direction was on tour and we'd be joining them in 2 weeks for the Japan leg. Ads was still on board for it.

"Tomorrow? We can buy them pizza and shit." We laughed and focused back on the movie. It was Marley and Me - typical. We were nearly at the end and Marley was just about to die. We were both sobbing uncontrollably.

"We're never showing this to our kid." She nodded, shutting off the TV and heading to my guest room.

"Calum, thanks for being so understanding." I hugged her goodnight and we went our separate ways.


I woke up and Ashley was already gone. I decided to head to Addie's since Luke and Trevor were spending the night and I sort of missed their annoyingness. The drive was shorter, since it was barely 8 on a Saturday.

When I got there, they were sat arguing in the kitchen.

"No, you can't even deny that Toews is the best captain in the league and Keith is the best D-man." Trevor shouted in Addie's direction.

"You've got no one close to Nash that's all I'm saying. Lundqvist could take Crawford any day."

"Hjalmarsson and Toews have more points than Nash you bloody idiot."

"You both have great players and if you match up in the cup, it's gonna be a good series." Luke tried to reason, but neither of the other two seemed to calm down. Trevor stormed out of the room muttering he was going for a shower.

"What did I walk into?" I asked, giving Addie a quick kiss on the cheek. She gave me a bright smile and a peck before turning back to Luke.

"They're making me pick a hockey team to root for and right now I can't stand the Hawks or the Rangers. I'm just gonna become a Sabers fan." Addie groaned shoving Luke off his chair. There was something different about her recently. Trevor seemed good for her, they were the exact same person I swear. It was evident she was really herself around him, but sometimes it seemed like she favored him over me. I guess I couldn't really complain, I defiantly was more myself around Luke. But even he seemed more comfortable around Addie than me. Damn this girl was stealing all my friend.

"I don't get it. What's so bad with the Sabers?" I questioned. I wanted to be apart of this group.

"They're the worst team in the NHL." She explained. "You don't have to try and learn."

Luke shot me a smirk, knowing truly wanted to know more about what Addie liked. I had for a while now, but she just never game me the chance. She had loads of inside jokes with all the other boys. I was just her stupid boyfriend.

"Who want's breakfast?" Addie asked, pulling various foods out of her cabinet. "Luke the usual?" He nodded and she began whipping up an omelet with various veggies.

"Cal what do you want?"

"Omelet's fine." I told her, moving to the living room. I flipped on the TV to Flip or Flop, Addie's favorite show. She came in moments later, handing me my food and smiling at the TV. The couch dipped next to me under Addie's weight.

"I love this show." She nestled into the crook of my neck. "And I love you."

And with that I was back on top.

Okay so I kind of love jealous Calum it's adorable. But that Halsey plot twist am I right!?!?

Finals start Thursday so defiantly no updating during the week, but I most likely can Saturday or Sunday because my final Monday will be a joke. So yes! Expect frequent updates on this book starting Saturday!

One more quick thing. As you all know, I live in Chicago and the Blackhawks made it to the Stanley Cup!! (#FucktheDucks) I'm actually a huge Blackhawks fan if you didn't know and my baby Saad was killing it this whole series so I was a very happy mother. I'm writing a Ashton/Halsey fanfic so would any of you read it? Just curious.   

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