Chapter 40

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Addie's P.O.V

"Guys we have news." Calum shouted as soon as we entered my house. "Addie's pregnant."

All of the boys were scattered around my living room floor. Well, except Zayn who had been avoiding everyone for a while. He claimed he was "focusing on his wedding" but it was obvious he way dying to get out of the band. He was even ignoring Lou, which never happened.

"Ash, you owe Haz and I 10 bucks." Michael yelled, although both of them were on the same couch as him. Ashton groaned, pulling two 10s out of his wallet. He threw both of them at the boys adjacent to him, grumbling how we should've used protection so he wouldn't have lost the money.

"Ya'll bet on my pregnancy?!" They all instantly started mocking my American slang saying I had to leave since I was 'foreign'.

"Yeah Haz and I knew you were pregnant weeks ago. Your boobs got huge!" Michael screamed causing everyone in the room's gaze to fall on my boobs. I quickly crossed my arms to conceal them.

"Well jokes on all of you I'm not pregnant. The news was I'm coming on tour." Ashton let our a squeal of excitement and rushed towards me.

"Even Japan?" Niall asked, instantly perking up.

"Yeah, why?"

"They're opening for us! Which means Addie can be our groupie too!"

"Woah, hold up. I'm the only one fucking Addie." We all shot him disgusted looks at the use of his vulgar language, but he just shrugged and plopped down on the couch next to Luke. He gestured for me to join him, but I sat down next to Harry instead. Calum mocked hurt, but turned back to Luke only seconds later. He had seemed to have completely forgiven him after this afternoons events. The fight was still clear due to the faint bruise along Luke's jaw.


We had decided to order a pizza celebrating my attendance for the tour and the start of Otra next week. 5sos and I had agreed to go to the opening day along with Ed and Selena, who Harold had apparently been chatting to lately. I personally really liked Selena so I didn't mind her being around.

The pizza didn't get there until 8 that night due purely to the fact that Michael made us order from a place halfway across the city. Plus is was a Saturday night which caused everything to delay severely. We even let Haz choose what type we got since it was his birthday tomorrow and of course he chose pepperoni a.k.a my least favorite pizza ever.

And to top off the shitty night, Michael was hesitant to let me drink because he was sure I was truly pregnant. His theory was that Calum wasn't the father so I wasn't telling anyone I was having a kid. He was even convinced I was going to stay in Japan to raise the kid and leave everybody else behind. Luckily Calum was sneaking me drinks the whole time.

I was nearly passing out by 11 due to the large amount of beer and pizza I had consumed. It was obvious no one could drive back to their hotel tonight so it seemed like everyone was crashing here. There wasn't nearly enough beds to fit them all. Two in the guest room and 2 couches, but a couple people were going to have to sleep on the ground. Not that they would mind, they were all too wasted to complain.

I announced my exit, making my way to the bedroom with Moose in tow. Calum came back a few moments later explaining he was also going to sleep now. We both changed into our PJs and cuddled into bed. Moose was sleeping at the edge of the bed, snoring softly. Calum wrapped his arms tightly and dozed of. I did the same minutes later, entering a dark state of bliss.


I woke up the next morning to Moose going absolutely crazy. The hungover boys scattered across my flat let out a colective groan at the load noises and I made a mental note to get them all Advil and to make them breakfast. Moose was scratching at the door so I opened it to reveal the source of his distress. Trevor stood on my doorstep, holding Daisy on a leash.

"Hey Trev, what's up?"

"Well I was gonna see if you and Moose wanted to go on a walk, but judging by your appearance that looks like a bad idea." His eyes scanned up and down my body as he smirked.

"Yeah sorta a big night. Boys came in last night." I groaned, squinting my eyes attempting to make the pounding in my head less intense.

"I'll let you go then." Trevor turned on his heels and begun making his way down the steps.

"Wait Trev." I shouted, causing my own headache to sharpen. "Can you help me make breakfast?"

"Depends. Who all is in there?"

"Well there's Calum, Luke, Harry, Niall, Michael, Liam and Louis. Zayn ditched us so he's not there."

"So you're saying 9 of my idols are in there and I'm just supposed to causally help you make breakfast for them?"

"Uh yeah?"

"But Addie, what if I under cook the pancakes and they get salmonella? Or what if an eggshell gets into the batter and cuts one of their throats? What if I bloody piss myself when I see them?"

"Trevor you need to calm down. Honestly, you're way cooler than all of them and they'll love you."

"Well yeah of course I'm cool in your eyes, we're the same person."

"And they're all just like me. So you're helping me?" He nodded. I opened the door that lead into my kitchen. Trevor was behind me, tugging Daisy in.

"I think I just shit myself." He whispered, but I ignored it and laughed at his nervousness. We walked into the kitchen to begun cooking. A flash of blonde passed the opening to the kitchen and my gaze instantly fell on Trevor. All the color drained from his face at the sight of his 'idol'.

"Holy shit." he whispered again, awe filling his features. In that moment I realized I had just made my best friend's life.

I feel like Trevor is all of us if we ever met one of the boys. Also, I actually love Trevor so much he's adorable and actually the male version of me. But anyway down to business.

I've only got 3 weeks left of school so I'm working really hard right now to give my grades their last push possible. So I'm so sorry if I don't update much in that time, but I'll work as hard as I can. After June 8th though I have summer so I'll be able to upload this a lot more! I want to finish this by the end of June, but there's so much more to this book wow :').

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