Chapter 13

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Calum's P.O.V

Today was the day. The bed was already empty, something I had grown used to hating. Her presence is what guided me. Encouraged me to get up that day, knowing it would be spent with her. The pastel blue sheets that usually warmed her body were convoluted in every way possible. My eyes scanned to walls for her silhouette, but it was no where to be found. I urged myself to stand on my own feet. It was a wobbly experience, but I needed to see her. 

There was soft music playing from the kitchen so that was my destination. My sweat pants hung loosely off her hips. They were gray as the lace of her underwear peaked through. Her upper half was barely covered. A pink sports bra covered her up, not revealing too much. Her eyelids were still droopy, indicating she'd woken up shortly before me. 

"Ads, why are you up so early?" Her hair fell slightly as she turned to face me. Love; I was in love with her. Tears formed in her eyes when I finally realized it. She was leaving today for a whole month. A whole month I wouldn't get to wake up next to her. Or kiss away her tears. I wouldn't be the first person she saw every morning and the last person she say every night. That role would be filled by someone else. Someone she knew more than I knew her. 

My arms automatically wrapped around her in an attempt to comfort her. Her head found the crook of my neck as she lightly cried. I would give anything to make her sadness disappear. By now my chest was slightly damp, but I felt no need to ever let her go.

"I can't do it Cal". Every part of my body wanted to just tell her to stay. Beg her to come back to bed where we'd be together. Just her and I. But I knew this trip meant way too much to her. She'd only regret it and be mad at me. 

"Gorgeous, you're going to have way more fun in New York than you would here" The words barely made it out. Pain rushed into my heart. I only had 3 hours with her. "Now go finish packing".

She scurried off to the bed room to finish up. I don't understand why she waited until the last day. It was going to take her at least an hour. That left less than an hour to be with her. 


Her suitcase was almost completely full. With every article of clothing she packed up, I felt us slowly drift away. 34 whole days without seeing the girl I was in love with. Maybe we were rushing it, but there was something about her that made me know I could never let her go. Maybe it was the way when she was trying to hold in a laugh, it caused her to giggle even harder. Or when she smiled, the corners of her eyes crinkled. Maybe it's when she thinks she's alone and she quietly sings my songs. Or how she could never hold a grunge, but still pretended she was stubborn. Whatever it was, I was so in love with her.


We sat in the back of Ashton's SUV. Our hands rested on her thigh, rubbing small circles into her thumb. She was holding back tears, but I was as well. It was nearing December, her favorite month, which full of Holidays and her birthday and I would be without her. Ashton slowly breaked, whispering a slight apology. We were here. Our hands disconnected as I helped her out of the dark car. 

The A.C in the waiting area was cranked up. Possibly due to the overwhelming heat outside or maybe to prepare guests for the rest of the world which was during the middle of winter. It caused Addie to shiver under my touch. Rummaging through my backpack that sat next to me, I found a black hoodie I claimed as mine. It was a band sweatshirt with my name sprawled across it's back.

"So everyone knows you're mine" I left her a soft kiss, but quickly pulled away due to the look on her face.

"Cal, you're going to need this too. You'll be in America by Tuesday." She gave me a weak smile before diverting her attention to her thumbs. They clumsily fumbled together in an attempt to avoid eye contact. My fingers intertwines with hers causing her to return my gaze.

"I have millions of these, I want to to have it" Her smile became more genuine, but soon faltered.

"This is your first boarding call for Flight 673 to New York"

We all stood up to say our goodbyes. No one wanted to break the silence that loomed over us. Ashton was the first to make a move. His arms tightly wrapped around Addies small waist as tears slowly left her eyes.

"Ads, I'm going to miss you so much, but it's only a month." A soft sob escaped her mouth. She gingerly unraveled herself from Ashton's strong grip. A weak smile decorated her face as she moved to Michael. 

"Don't you dare forget about me" He spoke between the soft cries that left his body. A wet mark was left on Michael's white tee shirt, but he wasn't mad. Instead, he pulled Addie closer to say his last words to her. Luke quickly engulfed her in a hug and the loudest sob yet left her small body. Luke stroked her hair in an attempt to stop the steady flow of tears that escaped her eyes. She spoke in a whisper that was clearly meant just for him.

"Call me everyday, I love you." The phrase made my blood boil. I only wanted her to murmur those words to me. She looked so weak in his arms. My hand lightly gripped her wrist, tugging her into my arms. She willingly tightened her grip around me. I tilted her head toward me, her eyes burning green. The tears accentuated the jungle that always filled her eyes. Something I loved about her.

Her lips pressed tightly to my own, sending sparks through my body. My hands found her lower back to pull her closer. Our entire bodies were intertwined, fitting together tighter than ever before. Her tears were pooling at the neck line of my ripped Nirvana tee. The one I wore the day I met her. Our lips worked together before she was pulled away to board. We exchanged no words, but our bodies told it all. It was romantic to remain speechless.

So why did it hurt so bad?

I'm so sorry for lack of updates but the writers block I've had is crazy. But Merry Christmas everyone! 

CoastlinesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora