Chapter 48

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Addie's P.O.V

"I think I still love you."

"What?" I nearly spat out. I wasn't necessarily mad at what he said, but more at what I felt. I was almost relieved he felt the same way. By no means did I love Luke, but there was no denying my feelings. I mean who didn't slightly love Lucas. He was undeniably beautiful, but I also had a great boyfriend. One who I actually loved. Who I wouldn't trade in for the world.

"I think I love Blair." 

"Oh, good." There was a slight ache in my heart. Okay maybe I did sort of, kinda like, maybe love, Luke again. But now there was no way in hell I was telling him that.

"I thought you'd be more excited, you know your best friend is in love with your other best friend."

"You don't fucking love her. You can't love someone you haven't seen in a month."

"You still love Calum after all the shit he puts you through. It's not real love you dumbass. Just because you're used to him doesn't mean you have to stay with him you know."

"Don't you fucking dare, Luke. You've met Blair like twice there's no way you love her." I screamed. I knew my face was going red, but I honestly didn't care. He had no right to talk about my relationship when he wasn't even in an actual one. I wanted to slap him, punch that pretty smirk off his face. 

"Just dump him already, Addie. You're way too good for the shit he does to you. You're amazing Addie and he doesn't appreciate you at all. Do you even understand how good I would be to you if we ended up together? We could've been it, Addie, but you couldn't get over that fucking asshole."

My eyes were probably sending daggers through his, but he didn't mind. He instead cupped my face, his hands rough against my skin. He almost looked as if he was about to cry, but I must've looked the same. Our lips crashed together in a whirlwind of emotions. I was pissed, but he felt so good to be kissing. My bed slammed against the wall and I was so ready. I wanted him, all of him. And I wanted it now. I broke our lips and he frowned heavily. 

"Harry isn't coming back tonight. Let's go to his room." We practically ran through the hotel. Our lips were together again as soon as I closed the door. He was just so great and there was a chance I really did love him. Then again that very well could've been strictly my emotions running high. All I knew was Luke and I were meant to be together right now. And I wasn't going to stop until that happened. 


I woke up the next morning, my naked body intertwined in Luke's. He was smiling down at me looking like all sorts of perfect. His hair was covering his eyes slightly, his blue-gray eyes clearer than my mind. He was the definition of perfection and I'm not sure how it took me so long to realize. But I'd made a horrible mistake. I wasn't someone who slept around, yet with Luke it happened 3 times. Twice considered cheating. I needed to get the hell out of Japan.

I kissed Luke quickly, pulling on the clothes I'd came in. Fixing my hair, I pretty much ran to my room. Calum and Michael were set to be in the studio so my room should've been empty. But it wasn't. When I entered, Calum was still asleep in bed. I attempted to grab my suitcase, only to have it come crashing back down on me. He woke up eruptly, a side smile covering her face. 

"Hey baby, why do you have your suitcase?" I instantly erupted in a heap of tears. He rushed from bed, throwing his arms around me. But I didn't want his comfort, I needed to get back to Australia and maybe even back to New York. This was my fault and I wasn't harming him anymore. I shoved Calum off of me and begun throwing clothes into my bag.

"I'm going home." I croaked out. My eyes and heart were burning with emotions, but I had to shut them down. 

"What Addie why?"

"I'm- I'm not over this Ashley baby thing. I can't forgive you for it." I said. Yes, it was a lie. I couldn't tell him the truth because that would hurt way more than him thinking it was about the baby. There was a chance Ashley wouldn't forgive me for flipping out, but maybe it was worth it. Everything was in my suitcase and I really thought Calum wouldn't say goodbye. I started waked out when I felt a sharp tug at my wrist. 

"I love you, sweetheart. Call me when you land." He pressed his lips to mine so softly I could barely hear it. He was holding back, as if I was gonna snap if he kissed me deeper. Maybe I would've, I was unpredictable. I was happy the kiss was light, the deeper the kiss, the deeper the feelings. At least in Calum and I's case. And I could bear to add anymore feelings to the mix.

Tokyo alone was way less beautiful. The big groups of people mad me feel ostracized, like no one really loved me in this world. All I wanted was to be on my couch with Trevor, Daisy and Moose. Friday Night Lights on the TV, reminding us of America. Maybe Blair in the kitchen, her accent far more prominent than Trev and I's combined. That was what I needed, what I craved right now. And it was all within reach.


"Trevor." I shrieked, wrapping my arms around his tall shoulders. His face dropped as he set eyes on me. Soon he was examining my face. I'm sure I looked awful, eyes puffy with makeup smeared across my skin. My hair was barely held in a ponytail and Moose was whimpering at my feet. It had been just as long of a day for him as me.

"I'm so sorry, Ads." He led me towards his car, grabbing my bags in the process. The tears had begun following again at this point, but all I wanted was to be in my bed. We drove in silence, but anything was better than Luke's voice ringing through my head. 'Just because you're used to him doesn't mean you have to stay with him you know.' I tried to shake it out of my brain, but it kept resonating through my skull. It wasn't until I set my head down on my pillow that night until it finally stopped playing over and over. 

Sleep was officially my only escape. 

Wow look at me updating after 2 days woot! But I have an announcement....There's only one more chapter and then an epilogue. Please don't hate me! The ending will be worth it (I hope). But woah Laddie/Caddie drama am I right?! Once again don't  hate me please :D I'll update Wednesday or Thursday BYEEEEEEE PS I made this extra long... kinda PEACE

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