Chapter 16

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The second I stepped off the plane the cold hit me. While living in New York I hated the cold. Australia’s heat had made me miss it. I loved the way the trees held snow and the lights they hung around town during Christmas. Or the various outdoor skating rinks scattered around the city. Christmas was meant to be held in the cold weather. With sledding in the afternoon and hot chocolate filled nights.  I missed it here. This was my home.

I knew Australia wasn’t going to last forever. Just a fun summer or two, but being back in New York made me want to stay in the city for the rest of my life. I fit in here with my winter jacket and American accent. With my love for hockey and baseball. While in Australia I never blended. The moment I spoke people looked at me differently. I was just another stupid American. I didn’t worship the beach or cheer on my favorite soccer team. I wasn’t like Calum and the boys and I never would be.


Harry had already catched a cab to his hotel by the time I fetched my bags. Blair was waiting for me in her Limo. I almost forgot how much money she had. Not that my family didn’t have a lot as well because you were bound to be wealthy if you lived in New York. She looked beautiful as always. Her long dark hair had new blonde aspects.

“You got ombre! It looks beautiful.” She gave me a small smile as I continued to take in her new look. She wore leggings, a leather jacket and a black beanie. Her feet sported gray converse. Blair wasn’t herself anymore. I was used to her pencil skirts and peacoats. Her feet always decorated in heels. She’d made a complete 180.

“I got an apartment in the Meatpacking district.” She answered as if reading my mind. We always used to be in love with meatpacking district. She loved it for it’s charm. The brick roads and old architecture drew her in. I on the other hand loved the history. It felt as if I was in a completely different time era. You could faintly see the advertisements on the sides of buildings from years ago.

"I'm thinking about getting an apartment in SoHo."

"You're moving back?" Her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

"Eventually. Probably sooner than I planned because I miss dancing. It's my home here." She just nodded before climbing over me to open the car's door. There wasn't much snow on the ground outside her apartment, but it surely had to be coming soon. Her building was exactly what I had expected. It's exterior was brick with modern windows. The lobby had stone floors and a mix of brick and beige walls. We took the squeaky elevator to the 23rd floor.

Her apartment sat at the end of a dimly lit hallway. If I wasn't used to the loneliness of New York this would have scared  me. Instead I felt at home. This hallway seemed to represent me. The eeriness and silence of this hallway was where I felt at home. Tucked away to be alone to my own thoughts. When I entered the real world, or Australia, the brightness and noise over powered me. And I couldn't take it. 

The second we entered the apartment, the light took over. Typical Blair, not letting an inch of darkness into her home. I on the other hand loved the dark. I would stay up deep into the night to look at the city. Each person that passed held a new story that I would never know. Her walls were painted a soft slate and the floors were a light brown. It was such a contrast to the outside, which felt dingy and cold. 

It was all one room. Her bed was pressed against a bay window over looking the water. A bookshelf divided her "bedroom" and living room. It was small, charming and beautiful. The room represented her perfectly. The bookshelf was filled with all her favorite novels, but she was modest about her furnishings. I knew she was used to a master suite and this studio was a huge downgrade. Still, she couldn't help smiling while looking around. 

"So this is mi casa. What do you think?" I knew she really needed my assurance.  She'd been scared of doing things on her own. So I answered her honestly. 

"It looks amazing, B" The smile on her face warmed my heart. I had missed seeing that smile everyday. 

"You'll have to sleep on the couch, sorry about that." I assured her it was fine before she retreaded back to her bedroom. My phone buzzed seconds later.

Wanna get a late dinner? I'm starving! Dress nicely ;)       


I quickly sent a text back.

Sure thing! Meet in Manhattan? I'm bringing someone. Be there in 45

"Blair get ready. We're going to dinner." She waddled out of her room while grabbing her purse. "No we're gonna need to look better." 

Her face twisted in confusion, but she walked back to her room. She walked out again with a slightly cropped black sweater, maroon jeans and black healed booties. I was really digging her new style. I changed into a stripped sweater, black jeans and Doc Martens. We hopped on the subway heading uptown. 

When we were finally in Manhattan Harry was waiting for us. He looked really handsome, wearing black jeans and a cream sweater. I wished Calum dressed like this... Not I don't. Calum dressed great. He dressed like I did which made us work. 

"Holy crap is the Harry Styles?" Blair tugged at my sweater while pointing in his direction. He gave us a small wave before walking towards us. 

"That's who were having dinner with." The expression on her face was priceless. I could tell her nervousness was growing stronger with each step he took towards us. 

"B, you're gonna have to get used to the celebrities now that I'm dating Cal" She just smirked at me before turning her attention back to Harry who was standing new to us now. 

"Hello Love" 

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