Chapter 37

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Addie's P.O.V

I woke up on Trevor's living room couch for the second time that week. Moose was curled into my side and Trevor's dog, Daisy, was sleeping on the floor next to us. It was nearly 11 already. Trev and I were all night rewatching AHS Coven since we both agreed Freak Show couldn't live up to the first 3 seasons. Since last week when I met Trevor, we'd gotten along super well. He was pretty much the male version of me, so of course I loved him.

I decided it was time for Moose to take a wee so I led him to Trevor's backyard. It was fenced in so I didn't have to worry about Moose roaming. I found a comfy spot under a tree and decided to give Calum a call.

"Hey Ads. How's Moose?"

"Going potty right now actually." We both laughed. "Ooh happy birthday in Sydney by the way."

"Ugh, I'm still a baby here though."

"What are you doing tonight?"

"Umm the Boys, Chrissy, Halsey and I are going out. What about you?"

"Um, I think Trevor and I are going to get some Sushi or something."

"Are you there now?" I told him yes. "Tell him I say hi. I've got to go, love you."

"Love you too, baby. Happy Birthday."

I hung up, shoving my phone back into my pocket. Moose was on the far end of the yard with Daisy so I let him stay out for a while. I would just make Trevor and I pancakes instead. I found a box of Bisquick in his cabinet, but he had no olive oil. I left a quick not telling him I was going to the store and hopped in my shitty car. There was a gas station about a mile away so I would just head there. 

I got in and out pretty quickly, not before I saw someone I hadn't seen in months. Her back was turned to me, yet it was super easy to tell who it was.

"Mali!" She turned swiftly, her hair was a softer shade of brown.  She looked amazing even this early. Her hair was pulled into a messy braid and she wore a loose, Brandy Melville dress.

"Addie! It's been so long!" She pulled me in for a tight hug. "How have you been?"

"Great actually. I've got a quick question. What do you know about Halsey?"

"Ashley? She's great! You'd love her. Her boyfriend and her are goals." Halsey had a boyfriend? Maybe I didn't need to worry.

"We should catch up over dinner. Give me a call." I hugged Mali goodbye and jogged back to my car. I drove back to Trevor's, listening to my Nirvana mixtape. Kurt's voice filled it's beat up exterior and before I knew it, I was sitting in Trev's kitchen. I whipped up batch of chocolate chip pancakes and was sat down eating them by the time he exited his room.

His arms were peaking through his cutoff and he wore gray sweatpants. His usually styled hair was hanging in front of his eyes. He attempted to comb it from his eyes, but it returned there seconds later.

"Pancakes? Wow I made a good choice befriending you." His ruffled my hair, taking a couple pancakes off the plate. He poured loads of syrup on them and be began shoveling them into his mouth.

"Cute, Trev." He flicked a melted chocolate in my direction, but I dodged it causing Daisy to lick it. Ooh Shit. I cleaned up the remaining chocolate so the dogs couldn't eat anymore.

"So did you call the boy-toy yet?" He asked, sipping from his coffee mug.

"Yup, he says hello. Oh guess what I found out, you know the Halsey girl he keeps hanging out with? Apparently she has a boyfriend, but they just started dating."

"Hell yes!" He high fived me, jumping in the air High School Musical style. "Who the hell are you even dating because if they know Halsey they must be cool."

"His name is Calum."

"Ooh as in Hood? Funny Addie there's no way." He laughed it me, but I didn't join in laughing.

"Why is that so unbelievable?" I asked, mouth open in disbelief. Why wouldn't I be able to date Calum?

"No way! Who have you met?"

"Umm well One Direction, Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran and Hoodie Allen. I think that's it."

"Holy shit! Can I meet someone?" He looked on me with wide eyes.

"Yeah, Harry gets here next week. Or we could call someone?"

"Ooh yeah let's call them later."

"Wanna mess with Niall?" He nodded. "Okay get Daisy, we're going to my place."


We got to my place around 1 and ran directly into my self made studio. We were planning on singing so sick and sending it to Niall. I swear, every time we talk about the X Factor he talks about how that song makes him cringe every time he hears it. So why not screw with him a little bit. I turned on the karaoke version and begun singing it.

"Gotta change my answering machine now that I'm alone. Cause right now it says that we can't come to the phone. And I know it makes no sense cause you walked out the door, but it's the only way I hear your voice anymore. "

"It's ridiculous." Trevor added.

"It been months and for some reason I just."

"Can't get over us."

"No more walking round' with my head down. I'm so over being blue, crying over you."

We both joined in the chorus, finishing the song quickly. I had to admit it was actually pretty good. I texted Niall with the video and gave Trevor a quick tour of my place. 

"Are you staying here?" I asked.

"Nah, I've got to pick up Nikki at the airport tomorrow."

"Alright have fun." I hugged him goodbye. "Call me and you both, Harry and I can get dinner." I closed the door behind him, calling Moose to sit next to me on the couch. I turned Netflix on finding Bob's Burgers. It seemed like a comedy night. I was almost 3 episodes in when there was a knock at the door. It was probably just Trevor forgetting his phone.

But when I opened the door I was met with a different pair of blue eyes and blonde hair. 


And then he kissed me. 

Oooh shit buys so much Laddie drama next chapter you're gonna love it. Quick question. Should Halsey cause a bunch of shit, be calm with Peder or end up with one of the other boys *cough cough Ashton*. Let me know and I'll try to update Wednesday!  

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