Chapter 31

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Addie's P.O.V

We didn't get to the GMA set until nearly 7:30 that morning. Ashton claimed "there was no point in going early when we could be at IHOP instead." It was a valid point, but I was sure i looked nearly 400 pounds by the end. Our group had eaten at least 35 pancakes between the 5 of us. If you topped that with bacon, eggs and hash browns you should understand why I felt so dense.

"Ugh I'm going on a diet I swear." Calum placed a hand across my bloated hips. He left a sloppy kiss on my cheek before intertwining our hands.

"Sure you are babe." I cringed at the use of the overused pet name.

"I hate 'babe'". His eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. He'd recently come to loving his new name for me. I, on the other hand, had hated that word for years. It felt as if I was his possession, his baby. I was not a big fan of thinking of him as my father. Not that I was knocking Ashton's daddy kink, I just wasn't into that.

"Why not?"

"I feel like a child when you say it." He nodded in agreement while draping his arm around shoulder. We continued this way for a few blocks until we finally reached the set. Max and Blair were arguing near the front desk. I could see Luke's eyes remain on her for a few extra seconds, but he quickly turned away when they turned to us.

"Finally. Damn you Addie always being to late." She placed her hands on her hips, causing the loose fabric to drape over her tiny waist. Through it's black material it was easy to make our her figure. She was much wider at the hips than the waist, conveying a deep hourglass figure. I'd been envious of her boobs since I'd met her. She was a whole cup size larger than me. We had completely different body types. She was curvy, yet skinny while I had a straighter body type. We both had fairly big butts and average boobs. Her hair was way darker than mine and her skin held a dark olive tone.

"Shove off." I pumped her hip, leaving the group in our wakes. Blair and walked to our dressing rooms. Hanging up were two outfits. One was a dark blue dress while the other was a skater skirt with a pastel pink sweater. Neither were really our style, but it would have to work.

"I'll take blue you take skirt?" Blair asked. I nodded before pulling the dress over my head. I slipped on a pair of plain black heels and we headed off to makeup. Blair's hair was pulled into a top knot, something I hadn't seen in years on Blair. Mine was straightened. Our makeup was left pretty simple, but it was far more advanced than either of us could do. Blair had a major wing along her eye, making her small eyes thinner. Mine was just a bronzy look with a berry lip. 

"So B, I think Luke is into you." Her eyebrows shot up and I gave her a small wink before pulling her towards the stage. Max was waving his hands at a worker, most likely screaming at her. Blair walked that way to calm him down as I scanned the room. Calum was no where to be found, but I could see Ashton's hair peaking out from the couch. 

"Hey Ash. Wha--" He yanked me down to his level.

"Shhhh. We're playing hide and seek." We sat shoulder to shoulder for what seemed like ages. I could see Calum and Luke creeping around the corner. In a matter of seconds they'd run into us. Unless I did something.

"Ashton I'll distract them. You run back stage and hide while I do." Ashton grabbed my forearm, looking me directly in the eyes.

"I can't let you do that."

"Ash, you're the better man. You deserve to live." I wrapped my armed around his shoulder and left a delicate kiss on his cheek.

"I'll always remember you Addie." With that I darted out from behind the coach. I wrapped my arms tightly around Luke and Calum's arms and pulled them towards me. My arms coiled around their backs, hugging them tightly.

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