Chapter 46

16 3 11

Addie's P.O.V

"What if I piss myself." I groaned, curling my last piece of hair. I glanced at myself in the mirror and smiled. Ash helped me pick out my outfit and we chose a fairly basic one. Tropical print shorts with plain black sweater due to the cold weather in Tokyo. She decided on a light blue sweater, white shorts and gray work boots.

"You're not going to. They're just a bunch of annoying boys." She winked, pulling her long blue hair into a ponytail. I winged my eyeliner and pulled on a pair of sandals. Ash grabbed her purse as we made our way out of the hotel. We were to meet ATL at a cat cafe and then meet up with the other boys, minus Ashton. Poor guy. The cafe was about 3 blocks from our hotel and ATL was already there, sipping on coffee.

"Hello girls." Jack said, pulling us both in for hugs. We went down the line hugging each of the boys. Ashley claimed she wasn't close with them, but by the way their faces lit up when she entered, it was obvious she was lying. Their reaction was quite cute to say the least. She excused herself to use the restroom. Probably her pregnantness causing it.

"She looks different." Zack said, coming up behind me. "She looks happier. Thank you."

He smiled at me, hugging me again. Okay, weird. Ashley always seemed happy around me. I gave him a weak smile and ordered us drinks. A peppermint tea for me and a decaf coffee for her. She wasn't meant to be drinking caffeine.

"So Addie, where you from?" Alex asked, leaning in slightly. Not in a creepy way, but more of a 'I'm actually listening' kind of way. Which may I add, I greatly appreciated.

"I'm from LA originally, then New York for the last 5ish years. But I also lived in Chicago for a few summers when I was younger, but now Sydney."

"Holy shit. Your life is goals." Rian gasped. I laughed, if only he knew the half of it. Ashley returned, two bagels in hand.

"We didn't have breakfast so I fetched us these." She handed me mine which was plain with strawberry cream cheese. Which also happened to be my favorite.

"So Ashey, what's new?" Alex asked again. He seemed to be the question asker of the group. Everyone else seemed too focused on their beverages.

"Well boys, I've got some news." She placed a hand on her belly and glanced at me. "I'm pregnant."

All of the boys jaws dropped. One by one they got up to hug her. Jack was the last one to stand, but when he did a smile crept over his face. He pulled her in for a bone crushing hug. All of the boys pulled him off, claiming 'he was about to kill the fetus.'

"We're gonna be uncles." Rian screamed, causing a few kittens to hiss in our direction. The employees glared in our direction. We decided we could come back another day. A day when the entire staff didn't want to kill us. We walked out the cafe and made our way down the streets of Tokyo.

Cal Pal: Leaving now. Can you sent me the address?

Me: Change of plans, we're heading back to the hotel's restaurant.

We got back to the hotel around 3 and instantly found a table big enough for all 15 of us. Apparently this restaurant wasn't in high demand. One Direction was waiting the the lobby for us and 5sos walked in a few seconds after us. We all sat down, Cal was to my left and Harry was to my right. The restaurant served sushi, how basic. That was like having a restaurant of hot dogs and pizza. Which I actually wouldn't mind.

We ordered about 20-25 rolls between us. It only took about 10 minutes to finish those so we bought 10 more. I guess what's happens when everyone you're with is either male or pregnant. Oh and me, who ate more than 3 average girls combined. We were an expensive food group. But One Direction was the biggest band in the world and they could cover us for today.

"What time is the concert." Alex asked, grabbing the last piece of sushi. We all shot him glares, but he chose to ignore it and turned his attention to Ashton.

"7 as always." Alex nodded, wiping the soy sauce off his chin. How um pleasant? Every stood up to get ready since it was nearing 4. The boys had to be there at 4:45. Cal jumped in the shower and I changed out of my outfit. Ripped jeans, a tank top and Calum's flannel covered my body. I rolled up the jeans and laced up my converse. Calum emerged wearing a Ramones tank top and black skinny jeans. We walked out of the hotel, meeting everyone in the lobby.

"I like your outfit." I said, admiring Ashley's clothes. She wore a champagne cropped top that showed off her boobs and a white skater skirt. It showed off her tattoos amazingly. Mine were very well hidden under my clothes.

"I like yours as well." She noticed my stares at her rose tattoo. "You got any?"

"Yeah a few. They're not as cool as yours" I smiled, lifting up my shirt to reveal the last one I got. It was the tea cup, with Ed's lyrics. I also showed her my star sign and the giraffe on my forearm.

"No man those are dope. You like Ed?"

"Yeah he's great. Great voice and great lad." I shook my head. Why the hell did I say lad?

"Lad? You're fucking American Addie." Harry said, coming up next to him. "Also hop off Ed's dick."

"Shut up Haz." I said shoving him away from me. He threw his hands up in mock defense. Ashley and I glared in his direction before turning our attention to Liam. Who just so happened to be whistling.

"Time to go!" He pulled Zayn and Michael through the lobby. Calum wrapped his arm around me as we walked to the Limo. I hadn't been in one since Blair picked me up in New York.

"Lucas, did you finally ask B out?" I whined. He'd been talking about asking her for at least a month. Actually ever since we'd left New York.

"Nope, hopefully when we all get to LA." Did I mention Blair was coming to LA?

"Well that better come quicker." I winked, snuggling into Calum's arms.

With that, the tour had begun. And I was beyond excited.

Sometimes I just like to make my chapters even numbers. Sorry for all the dialogue, I've had crazy writers block. But... NHL Awards are tomorrow, WOOT. Ooh and you know summer is good when I'm going to annooothherr Cubs game. Yeah I have an addiction. Anywaysss, I'm gonna try to get on a more normal schedule so I'll update Friday (hopefully) with an actually interesting chapter. Well maybe.. Not actually sure when I can update after that because I've got a wedding on Saturday and a "girl's night" Sunday. Ooh Joy.

I'm trying to get this to 1200 words. Score.

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