Chapter 41

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Addie's P.O.V

"Holy Shit" Trevor whispered, taking in Ashton's presence. Ash's long hair was thrown back into a bun and only sweatpants covered his body. The stubble on his chin was longer than usual, but it was quite fitting in his current state. The hangover washing over him. I was sure the rest of the boys looked exactly the same.

"Who's this?" Ashton asked, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"This is Trevor." They shook hands "And here's the first batch."

I handed Ashton a stack of chocolate chip pancakes and a steaming cup of coffee. He took both and made his way towards my dining room. I begun making some more food for the voices down the hall.

"You're actually the best person ever." Trevor's arms wrapped around my torso, his lips kissing my cheeks rapidly. "How could I ever repay you?"

"Paws of her." Calum said through gritted teeth. I grabbed his forearm and pulled him behind me.

"Sorry mate, just hugging my friend."

"And bloody pashing her while you're at it?" I shot Calum a glare, which he returned instantly.

"That's not what we were doing." Trevor grabbed Daisy's leash. "I'll just go."

"Trevor wait." He ignored my plea, storming out the door.

By the time I'd chased after him, he was no where to be seen. Defeated, I walked back to the kitchen . Calum sat on the island, sipping a cup of tea. If looks could kill, Calum would be dead in a millisecond. I stormed into my bedroom, locked the door and fell on the bed next to Moose. The bathroom door slowly opened to reveal Calum. How could I have forgotten about the bathroom door?

"Get out." He sat down next to me, pushing Moose away.

"Why do you care so much?"

"Because he was hugging me because he got to meet his idols. He fucking looked up to you Calum. Now he's out there thinking two of the world's biggest boy bands have him for no reason."

"You could've told me that." He said, barely over a whisper.

"No I couldn't have. You were out there thinking with your dick like you always do. Can you just leave?"

He rose from beside me, grabbing Moose on the way out. I sat in silence for what seemed like hours before deciding to clean up the breakfast mess. Luke sat on my couch watching Netflix off his laptop. The rest of the flat seemed empty. Even Moose wasn't tangled in my feet.

"You ready to go?" He asked. "Everyone's down by the beach."

I scanned his body. He wore a Beetles vest, blue swimming trunks, flip flops and sunglasses rested in his quiff.

"Not really in the mood. You know, boyfriend being a complete ass as always."

"Tell me about it." He laughed. "He bloody punched my jaw again after you guys fought."

"You've got to stop letting him push you around like that."

I grabbed his jaw to inspect to new colors added. The outsides were fading into a soft yellow as the blended into his pale skin. The middle however was a swirl of purple and blue. It was evident where Calum's knuckles hit him due to the black circles formed in a straight line.

"Better you than me."


Luke convinced me to come down to the beach. I was avoiding Calum, as usual. I'd also decided I was done with 5sos for a couple days and need a little 1D time. They were more my style anyway.

"So she asked you to go skiing the day you were going to break up with her?" I asked, my eyes tearing up. We all took a couple swigs of the Fireball that was in front of us. It was obvious Louis was already smashed and Liam was almost there too.

"Yeah, she was being so nice to me that day too. I felt so bad." Harry laughed, leaning on Lou's side. It was nearly sunset by now and all I wanted was to watch it with Calum. But of course he could keep his big mouth closed for one day.

"Harry, wanna go to the pier." I asked, slightly louder than necessary. Calum and I made eye contact for a brief second, but I grabbed Harry's hand anyways. We ran down to the nearly empty dock and sat down on the edge. Our legs swung lazily below us.

"How was your birthday, Hazard?"

"Absolutely amazing." He explained, slurring his words slightly.

"You ready to legally get shit faced next time you come to New York?" He nodded rapidly. We sat in silence for a while taking in the sunset. There was an array of purples, pinks, oranges and sight blue.

"Mind if I cut in?" Calum sat down next to me, giving Harry a shove away from us. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. My head rested lightly on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for earlier. I'm an asshole."

"Yeah you kinda are." We both laughed. "I'm not gonna cheat on you Calum."

"Don't forget that you did like 3 days ago."


"Yeah, sorry for bringing it up." He groaned. The silence that washed over us was the opposite than with Harry. This was awkward and filled with tension that I desperately wanted to go away. I began picking at my nail beds to fill the time just so I wouldn't have to think about how messed up Calum and I's relationship was.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. I wasn't even sure if it was audible.

"Yeah me too. We're both pretty messed up." He gave me a small smile.

"I feel like we just broke up or something."


A terrible thought crossed my mind. Not once in our relationship had I thought about ending things But with this awkwardness between us, I contemplated just quitting with us. Lets just say if the tour is anything like today was, Calum and I wouldn't make it out together. And that terrified me.

Hola mi amigos. So testing is in 2 weeks so on one hand, that makes me happy I'm getting out that soon. On the other hand, that means barely any updates for you guys. (I just felt so Chicagoan) I'll try to update once or twice next week, but after that I won't be able to. I get out June 8th so after that, expect updates at least 2 times a week because SUMMAHH.

I'm going to another cubs game Monday since we have no school so party in da city am I right! But enough of that :) I've got nothing else to say so adios amigos!!!1!1!

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