Chapter 44

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Addie's P.O.V

"Who am I gonna watch playoff hockey with when you're gone." Trevor whined, clutching my suitcase in one hand. We were heading off to Japan for the next 2 weeks, meaning Trevor was stuck here in Australia.

"I'm telling you, just come to LA with us. You can stay at my house with me. I'm sure Moose would love to have Daisy there."

"I can't just drop a couple grand to go to LA, Addie. I have a job I need to maintain."

"I'll by the ticket then Trev. The boys are gonna be in the studio and Ashley will be with Pedir. I can't be there along man." I whined. He shot me a glare, clearly irritated by the tone of my voice.

"I'm not letting you buy me a ticket."

"Cal can buy it then. Right Cal?" Calum approached us after packing everyone's bags into Ashton's car. His arm wrapped around my waist as he pulled me closer.


"You'll buy Trev a ticket to LA to hang out with me before tour?" I batted my eyelashes and gave him a big smile. Both him and Trevor rolled their eyes at my attempts.

"Yeah mate I'll set that up. I'll have Ads call you." He gave Trevor a side hug and made his way back to the car, slipping into the front seat.

"See you soon Bud." I winked, pulling him in for tight hug.

"Yeah yeah. Have fun in Japan." I hugged him again, grabbing Moose's cage and my suitcase. He followed closely behind, finding his own car. All of us waved goodbye as he pulled out of the parking lot.

Japan here we come.


"We're going to Japan guys. Holy shit, JAPAN." Mikey shouted, his leg bouncing 100 times a minute. I'd never seen someone so excited to be on a 10 hour flight. For some strange reason, Michael begged Calum to sit next to me. That left Ashton and Ashley behind us and Calum and Luke adjacent. Luke was already passed out and Cal was soon to follow. Maybe that's why Mike wanted to be next to me. I never slept on flights and apparently he knew he wouldn't either.

"I know! I haven't left the country in forever." He raised an eyebrow in my direction.

"You realize you go from New York to Sydney like every month? They aren't in the same you know."

"I meant for vacation you bloody idiot." He shoved me lightly and begun fishing around his backpack. After a few minutes he successfully found a deck of cards. We payed that for nearly an hour. Let me tell you, Michael was shit at Garbage and Speed. Luckily it killed a chunk of time, but we still had nearly 9 hours left.

"I say we watch anime, you know get in the Japanese spirit." He suggested. "Or Mulan."

"Mulan is Chinese you twat. Let's watch Godzilla." We both agreed and found it on YouTube. The quality was shit, but it would have to do. Godzilla was in full swing when I heard a soft snore next to me. Michael's mouth was ajar slightly and drool was forming at the corner of his lips.

I clicked out of Godzilla and onto Netflix finding Dexter. I was nearly done with it and was hoping to finish on this dreadful plane ride.


"How was you ride?" Cal asked, pulling me towards his side. His hair was messing from his slumber. He attempted to smooth it out, but decided to cover it in a beanie. We were greeted by security with kimonos and a couple Japanese symbols.

"It was alright. Mike slept the whole time so I finished Dexter." I explained, pulling my bags off the conveyor belt. "What about you?"

"Slept mostly oh and may or may not have bought us Kings vs Capitals tickets." He shot me a lazy smile and grabbed Moose's crate from my hands. Of course I over packed compared to everyone else, but I was a girl and I needed way more. Ashley packed two bags also so I guess I was okay.

"Thanks babe." I gave him a slight peck before he was pulled away to take pictures with a few fans. I found Ashley in the crowd of her fans which were slightly less dense than the boys. Her crowd dispersed to find the boys and I slipped in next to her.

"Wow I'm the only non famous one here." I joked, shoving her slightly. It had been 2 weeks since she told us that she was pregnant and she'd been around us the whole time. Not that I minded, she was nice and hilarious. She even promised I could meet Pedir when in LA. I'd technically talked to him over Skype before, but I really wanted to hang out with him.

"I heard All Time Low was coming to their concert." She smirked, knowing my inner fan girl was about to come out. I'd been secretly obsessed with them ever since Calum played Remembering Sunday. I also had a slight crush on Rian, but I couldn't tell the boys that. I would never hear the end of it.

"This is my chance to make a move on Rian." I chuckled.

"I could make a move on Jack. Let's just ditch our actual boyfriends." We both laughed slightly too loud causing Cal and Luke to turn around. Luke raised an eyebrow in our direction. We waved them off and turned away so they couldn't hear us.

"We gotta be sly about this." I joked. "We go when they're practicing so we can have the ATL all to ourselves and we never tell the boys they're even in Japan."

"Yeah good plan. I'll text Zach to tell him not to tell everyone they're here." We gathered our hands in a pile and shot them up like a team. It was pretty pathetic since it was just us two and we both had luggage in our hands. But damn we were finally here. I was officially a groupie and Gus the Bus was going to be my home for the next few months.

And I couldn't be more happy.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. THE MOTHER FUCKING HAWKS JUST WON THE STANLEY CUP. Fuck the haters (aka Camix333). Chicago is wild rn and I'm hitting up the parade later this week so holla. Thats all really, oh and #FucktheLightning

CoastlinesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora