Chapter 43

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Ashley's P.O.V

Today was the day. We were going to tell the boys and Addie the big news. Pedir took it alright. Not great, but I'm sure he'll get over it soon. He always talks about how he can't wait to have kids, I guess this is his chance. Apparently Addie's also been in a great mood lately. Cal said her new friend, Trevor, and Luke are keeping her company when Calum isn't there. This might be okay after all.

I walked out of my closet, clutching my favorite shirt. It was gray, and heavily cropped with a lace overlay making it pretty much a bralette. I paired that with a pair of high waisted, black shorts since it was nearly 100 degrees in Sydney. My blue hair was lazily thrown up in a bun and my plain Timberlands decorated my feet. Not my best outfit, but defiantly not my worst. Might as well enjoy showing off my body, I won't get to for a while.

"You ready?" Calum asked, entering my bedroom. He flung himself onto my bed while I finished my makeup. I finished my look with a berry lipstick and grabbed my purse to go.

"Yup, come on let's get this over with." We jumped into my rental car, me driving of course, and made our to Addie's. Calum was shit at giving directions so the drive took double the time it should've. We got there around 2 and Ashton's SUV in the parking lot. That meant the rest of the boys were here. It was now or never.

"Ashey-poo it's been too long." Michael rushed to me, pulling me in for a bone crushing hug. I managed to wiggle out of his grasp and found a seat next to a random blonde kid who must've been Trevor.

"Hi boys, hi Addie." She gave me a big smile and a quick wave before turning her attention back to Calum. They exchanged a quick kiss as he settled on the couch next to her. Ads really was beautiful, Calum wasn't lying. Her hair had grown out since the last picture I'd seen of her. It suited her amazingly and it was evident the sun has lightened it drastically.

"So what is this meeting about?" Luke asked. Calum and I exchanged glances that caused everyone to scrunch in their eyebrows.

"Well as you all know, Ashley and I erm- did some stuff a while back and it seems as if there were some repercussions."

"Those repercussions are?" Ashton asked. Calum bit his lip, signaling me to talk. I took a deep breath and continued explaining the story.

"I'm actually pregnant."

There was an indefinite pause between the group. Although no one was speaking, their feelings were evident. Ashton looked absolutely furious, Luke and Michael seemed disappointed yet excited, and Trevor looked extremely awkward. Addie on the other hand looked the most accepting. There was no judgement on her face, only happiness. So she was either an extremely great actress or genuinely wasn't mad.

"What the hell guys? You're always so irresponsible. This kid has to grow up without one of their parents now. What the fuck were you thinking?" Ashton screamed, his face turning redder than Trevor's Blackhawks shirt.

"Calm down, Ash." Addie said calmly. "You're coming on tour right?"

"We never thought of that actually." Calum explained.

"You have to! I'm gonna be the only girl on tour and we'd have so much fun."

"I have tour though."

"There's no way in hell we're letting you go on tour when you're pregnant. You have to cancel." Luke said, raising his voice slightly. Not in a rude way, but to try to get his point across. The groups exchanged a chorus of 'yeahs' so I had agree. I definitely had to call Imagine Dragons later today. Oh and tell the press about the news. Maybe that part could wait though. Shit, I had a lot to due.

Addie's P.O.V

How didn't this news faze me? I mean my boyfriend and his ex-mistress were having a baby and I didn't even care. Maybe I was just used to his bullshit lately. Yes, that wasn't a valid excuse to accept this, but there was nothing I could do now. Guess I would have to get over it.

Ashley on tour would be actually be kind of fun. I was sick of being exclusively with the boys. It would be months until I could see Blair so it was about time I made more female friends. Since she'd been here, she'd been nothing but nice. Maybe she would me my on tour Blair.

"We're getting pizza, want anything?" Cal asked, poking his head into my bedroom. I had just changed into a pair of sweats and a cropped Beatles muscle tee. It barely showed my stomach, but did show a thin sliver. Ashley wanted some pjs since for the fourth time this week, everyone was staying here. I grabbed a pair of running shorts and a Rangers long sleeve. Mostly to piss of Trevor, but it was also very warm.

"Yeah, barbecue chicken please." He smiled at my choice and made his way back to the group. I followed closely behind, finding a seat between Trev and Ashley.

"Here Ashley, I absolutely love that shirt." She quickly thanked me and scurried off to change. Trevor shot me a dirty glare and turned his attention back to the TV which happened to be settled on a soccer game.

"How the hell do people watch soccer?" Trevor asked. I shook my head, never understanding the boys fascination with it. It was like hockey with no fighting or cross checking. So pretty much everything good about it.

"It's bloody football you arse." Luke cursed, throwing a handful of popcorn in Trevor's direction. In the past couple of days they'd bonded a lot which worked greatly in my favor.

"Lucas clean up that popcorn right now." The rest of the boys snickered at my scolding. I swear these boys were three years old. But I guess I would have to get used to real children. Now that Ashley and Calum's kid would be partially my responsibility. I was going to be mom in less than 9 months.

Holy shit.

AHHH the Blackhawks are in the Finals woahh. My boy (Brandon Saad) is freaking amazing and scored again last night. Oh and #FucktheLightning. No shame on that one. But on a different note Calum Hood is hot just like the weather....BECAUSE IT'S SUMMER. Woot Woot. Too bad I sti have to get up at 8 for Drivers Ed!!1!!!11. Speaking of Ed I'm seeing that nugget in 3 weeks *cries*

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