Beginning revelations

Start from the beginning

It was a good thing we were talking in a dream, otherwise my voice would surely have woken the whole house by now.
I turn back to Eros. " I deserve to know. You were there....Aphrodite and even Ares was there! " I say, watching as the me laying next to Asclepious shudders slightly.

It was as though my body is realizing Eros is annoying me. But my words were true....Obviously my paternal grandparents know of my heritage...Why don't I get the same privilege?

Eros sighs. "I don't want her finding you...The moment her name is spoken, she will come. I fear she will try and still pursue harming you." He says quietly, shutting his eyes seemingly in pain.

I guess that makes sense...But what did I do to this woman that in her mind it warrants killing me? I was a tiny kid in the memory, maybe only 2 or 3.

What, did I forget to put some toys away or something? Did I spill a glass of milk?
"WHY did she try and kill me, can you AT LEAST answer me that?" I growl, placing my hands on my hips.
I've never really asked Eros for anything....And the only thing I want to know is my mothers name and WHY she would want to kill me, and he can't even answer?!

He sighs. "Your mother wished to end both of your lives so that you could not live with Psyche and I." Eros exclaims, clenching his jaw.

"WHY would she rather kill me then have me live with you guys?"
That's a fair question. I mean how crazy that you'd rather KILL your own kid than have her live with someone.

Eros looks uncomfortable. "You are familiar with the story of how Psyche lost our child she was carrying, correct?"

I nod.
I've heard the Cupid and Psyche story a couple times....Something about Aphrodite being jealous of mortal Psyche, sending Cupid to curse her so no one would love her. Instead, Cupid fell in love and then married her....A bunch of other things happened inbetween that, and ultimately Psyche miscarried and couldn't have kids or something of the sort.

"In order to be transformed into a goddess, Psyche had to give up her ability to carry a child." Eros says gloomily.
"Ultimately, that lead to the deterioration of our marriage."

I feel my eyes widen. This is my first time hearing of this.

Eros sighs, moving his hands to cover his face.
Whatever he's trying to tell me, is something that pains him having to relive.
"In the cusp of our marriage collapsing....I met your mother, Carys." He says quietly.
"We fell in love....Planned a future...." Eros trails off, diverting his eyes.

I can tell this story doesn't have a happy ending for whoever my mom is. Cupid and Psyche have always been happily married to my knowledge...
"Then what?" I ask quietly.

Eros turns his red-eyed gaze towards me, looking pained.
"Psyche....Wanted to repair our marriage...Being the first woman I have ever truly loved, I accepted."

A hollow feeling fills me, where I find myself feeling bad for the other woman who was apparently my mom.

Eros sighs, looking at the bed towards the other me and the sleeping Asclepious.
"I did not discover your mother was pregnant until after she delivered you with the help of Artemis."

I say nothing, completely surprised.
But I slowly start putting the pieces of this strange puzzle together.

"The woman didn't want her baby to go to you and Psyche." I whisper.

Eros, looks guilty. "I wished for you to live in my temple on Olympus, your mother wished differently, and wanted you to remain with her."

It's probably the most heartbreaking thing I've ever heard. I'm filled with anger thinking about his cruelty.
Cupid wanted to take this womans kid away....

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