Me:“ I wasn’t judging mah, maybe I’m just curious to know  why we haven’t met him yet and you never talk about him ”

Mah:“ that’s because my private life is mine only and not anyone else’s. When I want you to meet him, you will meet him ” she says getting a little bit angry

Me:“ why are you getting upset, it was just a simple question? ”

Pres:“ maybe we should… . ”

Mah:“ I’m a grown woman lungi and I don’t need you to be asking me such questions ”

Me:“ mah you’re acting like you’re hiding something, or the person you’re dating. Do we know him? ”

Mah:“ usuyangi phaphela manje! ” ( you’re being too forward with me now!)

Pres:“ aunty she was just asking, maybe you… . ”

Mah:“ shut up Preston or I’ll slap the both of you for not minding you’re business! ” she says getting up

Me:“ I’m sorry mah I didn’t mean to be noisy, I was just asking ” she doesn’t say anything and leaves then Zama and sicelo get in.

Sicelo:“ you look angry, what’s wrong? ” she asks mah

Mah:“ nothing ” she bangs the door behind her

Pres:“ yoh ! ”

Me:“ why is she keeping it a secret? ”

Sicelo:“ what happened? ”

Me:“ I was asking her who she’s dating and why we haven’t met him unless it’s someone we know ”

Sicelo:“  oh ”

Me:“ what does that mean ”

Him:“ nothing ”

Me:“  you know who she’s dating right? ”

Him:“ it’s not my place to tell you but she will when she’s ready ”

Me:“ does dad know him? ”

Him:“ he does ”

Me:“ and mbuso does too, pres do you know? ”

Pres:“ no baby sis I don’t know ” hmm I don’t believe him so I let it go.

Me:“ is my house still okay? ”

Zama:“ you have a beautiful house ”

Me:“ thank you Zama. I hope you two didn’t use my bed ” she blushes

Sicelo:“ we used your fleece blanket that’s all ”

Pres:“ we did not want to hear that! ”

Me:“ oh too much information brother ” he gets a call and leaves us. “ uh Zama if you don’t mind I would like you to one of my bridesmaids ”

Zama:“ really?, O wow I would love too. Thank you for asking me ”

Me:“ don’t sweat it I’m going to lay down a bit, you guys bond ”

Pres:“ ok baby sis we'll make dinner while you go and rest a bit ”

Me:“ thanks guys ”

I go to my bedroom, sit on the bed then take my laptop and start ordering furniture for my house here, I want them to deliver before the end of the week. I order from this great furniture shop that make their own stuff, locally made so I order everything from kitchen utensils to bathroom towels and everything else I will need. But the time I’m done I realise that I have spent so much money and I smile, who knew spending so much money can make someone feel so good ”

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