▪︎Amount of disrespect▪︎

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"Why it is suddenly about his life partner" Jimin arms crossed as he and Jin had been arguing about why Jin called Jungkook's life partner ugly! Jimin practically arguing for himself indirectly to Jin. They both arrived at the meeting room where every training members are assembled. Jin stopped once he reached and leaved him.

The Meeting room was conducted by the CEO but Jungkook choose Namjoon to announce the instructions for new comers because he saw Jimin who bid his good bye to Jin ; he stand far from.

"Did you choose him to our hospital or did you guys planned this" He asked with a poker face to Namjoon who about to enter the room. "Uh-No, is that Jimin?"

"What? Don't you know about this?"


Jungkook sighs. "He already got a friend..Mmm interesting." Namjoon smirked once he noticed Jin who pats and leaves Jimin ; Jungkook shaked his head as he leaves.


"I don't know why you're getting angry over someone who you never meet, Chill Jimin"

"What? I-I'm not angry. . . I'm just saying don't Judge someone who you never meet. I'm chill okay" Jimin stuttered while adjust his right side hair.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to Jeon health and care hospital. I'm Kim Namjoon First of all Thanks to you for selecting This Hospital and I want to know why you choose this carrier?" Namjoon said while eyeing everyone as his eyes meet Jimin and he smiled widely. Jimin heard someone said "I never seen such a dimple smile doctor ever" Jimin turned to the voice that how how He saw someone cupped her own cheeks while eyeing Namjoon.

Jimin rolled his eye at her. One by one they started to answer and involved into the conversation. That girl suddenly stood up while showing his smile at Namjoon who crossed his arms at his chest "Why I choose this carrier, because I want to serve poor people..you know free medicine" Jimin Jaw dropped as he observed her total lie. Namjoon nodded to her and eyed Jimin while flashing the knowing smile.

Jimin slowly stoodup from his seat "I-I don't want someone loss their loved one in their life like How I loss mine. So, I'm here to help other loved one's life of someone."

Everyone shocked at his statement. Jimin bit his lower lip as he try not to cry infront of them. Namjoon slowly nodded to him. "So, everyone as you know what to do..let's get to the work Tomorrow onwards; because today is your first day. And don't forget the welcome party on sunday" Namjoon said and leaved the meeting as everyone started to leave.

Namjoon popped to someone's shoulder "ouch"

"Wow" Jin smirked.

"That's was accident and I'm sorry"

"Even it is not an accident. . I don't mind at all" he said and runned to meeting room. Namjoon looked around as he correctedhis specs.

"Jimin, uh- what happened?" Jin asked Jimin as soon as he entered room but Jimin looked down and chewing his lower lips. Jin somehave know this is not a good sign even though he meet at Morning but still he can say that for sure.

Jimin shaked his head "You can go Jin hyung. I'll meet you Tomorrow" his whispered voice enough to make Jin uttered the sighs weekly "okay" Jin said and leaves him behind.

Jimin sat on the same spot as he buried his head on his arms.Little he know that Jungkook have been looking at him from far distance away from the Intro to the alone. Jungkook still stared at him...

"Is he crying again ?"


Rain pouring heavily on the outside with little lighting. Jungkook sat on the living room corner couch while looking at window "It's getting late night, where is he?" Jungkook said to himself turn to look at the digital clock shows 10pm. He again tapped his finger on the couch head.

"Is that my business? Do I even need?"

He sighs as Rain pouring stopped little bit. He got up to smoke for chilling climate. Later he drinks hot water from the kitchen while the door clicked to open, Jungkook peeked from the kitchen as Jimin enter the living room with rain soaked clothes and be fully wet on the Rain.

Jimin didn't say anything, he walking straight to upstairs keep looking down with a same pouty sad face but look so week. Jungkook remains the same face when he catched up staring at the Meeting room.

Jungkook want to know why he was sad at the time. He some-what can't accept the sad face on him. He never forgot the Morning how Jimin laughed at his friends with a flashing smile. Jungkook eyes follows him as he cleared his throat "Did you eat?"

Jimin stopped with a sigh and his lips parted as Rain drop on his face cross on his cheeks "No" he whispered.

"Go and change your clothes. The dinner is ready" Jungkook said while entered the kitchen and Jimin looked at his back and climbed to his room.

After a solid 35 Minutes...

Jimin walked to the table while wear a pink fluffy shirts with white shorts that up to his kneels. He sat on the table and set his hands to support his chin. When Jungkook brings a perfect dinner and placed on the table to Jimin who yawning himself when he aware of Jungkook's arrival immediately shut his mouth with his paws.

"Eat it"

Jimin obeyed him like a puppy. He tasted a little bit, it's taste like yummy to him and took the big amount of spoon to eat. He drag his head to look at Jungkook who stare at him while caressing his chin, Jimin again looked down and eat it and after he again glance at him still he is in the same pose as he stare at Jimin. Jimin felt uncomfortable as he chewing his food slowly as he looked everywhere but ignore the guy who stare at him.

"Don't you eat?" Jimin break the awkward situation.

"I ate it" he says but still the eye stare didn't change.

Jimin come to conclusion that he should apologise for what happened at the first meeting of them.

"Uh... I-I'm sorry. I talked bad about someone to someone itself and it's super awkward. I didn't mean to said this to you.. I'm sorry....I was starving that time so..." Jimin said with most tiny voice to Jungkook.

Jungkook noticed everything, every action Jimin made while explaining and his lips moves for every words he said. His eyes go wide when he mention about awkward. His eyes turned into puppy eyes when he mentioned sorry.

Jungkook didn't smile at him or didn't say anything as he stoodup while took the finished plate of Jimin's side and puts on the dishes side and switch off the light. He walked to his own room and closed the door.

Jimin Jaw dropped at Jungkook's expression. He blinked his eyes at the sound of the Jungkook's door closed. Jimin gasped at him.

"The amount of disrespect I gain"


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