Chapter 12

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TW: None
Word Count: 2090

We sat in silence for a few minutes, waiting for Jessie to come for the consultation.

"So how was your date with that Ethan guy?" Bucky asked, his eyes still glued on the screens.

"It was Ed, and it was terrible," I said, shaking my head slightly. "There was like no connection at all, and it was hard to make conversation with him."

"That's terrible," he said with a sigh.

"It's funny that it's easier making conversation with hundred year old war vets than a 30 year old from Long Island," I said, laughing.

"It must've been awkward going home alone then, right? Considering what you were wearing underneath your clothes yesterday." I let out a small laugh, recalling the events.

"God I wish I had gone home alone," I said, putting my head in my hands out of stress. "What am I doing with my life, Bucky?"

"You're just choosing the wrong guys," he said, putting a hand on my back to comfort me. I realized that it felt unnatural, so I looked over to him. I saw that he was reaching over his body awkwardly just to use his right hand.

I grabbed his left hand and held it in my right hand. "What should I do about it?" I asked, looking up at him. I noticed him tense up slightly when I grabbed his hand at first. I noticed his breathing change slightly, probably out of nervousness.

"I think you should get to know the guys first," he said slowly and quietly. I could feel my heartbeat in my ears as my breathing became unstable. Our little 'moment' was interrupted by a knock at the lab door. I pulled away from him quickly, moving my chair to the side with me.

I stood up and went to the door, that just has to have a window and clear view of the desk to see Jessie with wide eyes and a huge smile. I mouthed "don't say anything" to her as I opened the door. I initially wanted to have the consultation at her office, but Tony and Steve strongly encouraged Bucky to stay inside the tower at all times, just to be sure.

"Hey Jess," I said giving her a hug. She returned it.

"Hey Dais," she said, walking past me. Bucky was now standing from the chair. "You must be Mr. Barnes," she said to him, holding her left hand out. I knew she was doing this just to see what he'd do.

He hesitated and glanced at me very quickly before shaking her hand gently with his metal arm. "You can call me Bucky." He smiled at her.

She sat down in my seat and motioned for Bucky to sit at the examination table. I sat down in Bucky's usual seat, grabbing a notebook and pen, ready to write stuff down.

"So, Bucky, I'm Doctor Jessica Adams. I'm a surgeon and a good friend of Daisy's. I've saved her life before. I'm honored that she thought of me to help you out." She kept talking about her life a little bit to try and get him to trust her. I stopped listening because it was both boring and weird to hear her talk to patients. It's like her whole demeanor changed to an uptight, professional one.

"Daisy?" I was brought back into the conversation after hearing Bucky's voice.

"Shit, sorry," I said with a laugh. "What's up?"

"I was just wondering if you had what we were going to put in on you," she said with a smile.

"Oh yeah they're back there," I said, pointing at the sterile part of the lab. "I can pull up a holo of it if you need me to."

"That'd be great," she said, writing something down in her notebook. As I shooed her chair away from my keyboard, she kept talking. "So we're going to be doing the surgery here. Luckily, Stark put in an operating room on the same level of the infirmary. We will be giving you anesthetics so you won't be able to feel anything or be awake for the procedure. Daisy said with how the diagram of your arm looks, that there's no way to safely remove the arm prior to the surgery, so we will be both removing your arm and inserting the plate at the same time. I'm expecting the surgery to take somewhere between four to six hours." I heard Bucky let out a quiet gasp and I laughed to myself. The diagram was up and I turned my attention back to Bucky and Jess. "I'm going to need to completely see the place I'm operating on," she said and stood up, taking a step toward Bucky.

NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT (BUCKY BARNES x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon