Chapter 4

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TW: None
Word Count: 1713

My friends and I decided to splurge and arrive at Monaco a week early. With my ever-so-high title, I managed to book us an amazing suite at a really nice hotel. They felt bad for not being millionaires, so they tried to pay for some of the stuff. I only let them put in fifty dollars for each night, even though the room costed a thousand or so a night.

The first night there, we decided to get fancy and go to a nice restaurant.

"Somebody help with my eyeshadow," I said and Brook made her way over quickly.

"I got you," she said and pulled out one of her nicer pallets. "What are you wearing tonight?" I showed her my cute form-fitting grey and silver sparkled dress. "Cute," she said before picking out some colors.

"Who wants to bet on how much dinner will cost and the one farthest off has to pay it?" Lissa asked while she put on blush.

"Sounds fun to me," I said smirking.

"Um, not to me," Jessie said nervously. "I am in medical school to become a surgeon and you think I have enough money to pay for an expensive dinner? No way," she said, joking.

"Me neither," Brook said. "I'm barely making money off the blog. There's no way I'd be able to swing that."

"Jess, Brook, you guys just bought yourselves free dinner tonight. Liss do you want to bet on it?" I asked, confidently.

"Sure. Jess, get a pen and paper," she said, staring intensely at me.

"I bet it will be 534 dollars and 76 cents," I said watching Jessie write my guess down.

"534 dollars and 79 cents," Lissa said confidently.

Jessie folded up the paper and stuck it in her purse. We finished getting ready and took a limo to the restaurant. For some reason, there were a few paparazzi people there, but we walked past them together, none of us really looking at the cameras.

"I'll never get used to that," Brook said after we made it inside.

After we were seated at our reserved table, Jessie grabbed the menus from Lissa and me. "To make this fair, neither of you can see the prices. We'll read the options to you."

After the options were read, and the decisions of what wine and food to order were settled, we ordered.

"This is so freaking good," Lissa said happily.

"I know, I could get used to eating like this all the time," Brook said, smiling. Jessie and I nodded in agreement.

After we sat talking and eating, we decided to order dessert. I had so much fun that I'd almost completely forgotten about the bet. After dessert, Jessie grabbed the paper out of her bag and had the receipt in her hand.

"Lissa you had $534.79, Dais you had $534.76." She paused looking between the two of us. "Unfortunately, it was $528.54. Sorry Lissa."

"Yes!" I exclaimed happily. "I'm so good at doing things!"

"Like I care, it's only like three days work at the Industry," she said, placing her card on the receipt for the waiter to take.

We headed back to the hotel singing different songs on the way there, all of us sort of tipsy and very tired. When we got back to the suite, we changed into our pajamas. We decided to push two of the queen beds in one of the rooms together. We stayed up for a few hours drinking and playing games on the beds before falling asleep.

I woke up being snuggled by Lissa. I'd feel bad if I moved, so I just accepted my fate and closed my eyes again. After a few minutes, I heard a phone start to ring, so I broke away from Liss and sat up. I searched for the phone. The ringing also woke everyone else, resulting in various complaints.

NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT (BUCKY BARNES x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang