Chapter 11

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TW: None
Word Count: 1916

I woke up the next morning completely naked with a headache and a text from Ed. He sent me a generic 'I'd love to do it again' text, but I know that it won't happen. I picked up my clothes off the floor before putting them in my hamper.

I looked at the time and realized I should've been at the tower a half hour ago. I got a shower quickly after throwing my hair up in a bun, not bothering to wash it. I put on a comfortable outfit and light makeup. I felt like using a whole tube of concealer, but I unfortunately didn't have time to perfect it. I arrived at the tower with prominent eye bags.

I didn't grab anything to eat, so I decided to stop at the rooms before heading to the lab. The elevator ride felt extremely longer than usual. The doors opened to almost everyone in the common room.

"Morning," I said to no one in particular. I got a lot of greetings back as I made my way to the fridge. I grabbed some yogurt and a few granola bars.

"How'd the date go?" Nat asked with raised eyebrows.

"Absolutely average," I said with a forced smile. "Where's the Tylenol?" I asked, setting my things on the counter.

"That bad, huh?" She asked, reaching in one of the cabinets for some medicine.

"Oh yeah," I said, laughing. "Instead of waking up in a good mood and clothes, I woke up in a terrible mood with no clothes. Also," I said, adding something. "I clearly remember him enjoying himself at least twice, but I can't recall enjoying myself once."

"That sucks. Did he stick around?" She asked, handing me the bottle.

"No, but I got a 'hope to do this again' text."

"Yikes." I shrugged as I grabbed a water bottle to take my medicine with. "Sorry for setting you up with such a loser. I barely knew him."

"Nat," I said after almost choking on my water. "The next time you say you have the perfect guy for me, please actually know them."

"I only set you up with him because I could smell the desperation coming off of you."

"Thanks." I grabbed my yogurt and granola bars before looking around for Bucky. "Where'd Barnes go? I just saw him."

"Maybe he's waiting for you completely naked on your lab table," she said, shrugging. I smacked her arm. "I didn't even notice him before, how did you?"

"Shiny arm. And I'm supposed to be working on one of his parts today." That came out wrong.

"I knew there was something there," she said, smirking. "Did you even go out with Ed? Because I think I recall Sergeant Barnes disappearing shortly after you left last night." She winked at me.

"There's nothing there, it came out wrong. I need to work on a part for his prosthetic arm."

"Is it the vibrator part? That'll be fun for you. I think you'll finally get to enjoy yourself," she said with a smirk and I made my way to the elevator, completely ignoring her comment.

"Bye bye Flower Crown," I heard Sam yell from the table. He was sitting with Steve.

"Bye bye Bird Brain. Oh, have you guys seen Bucky?"

"I think he's in the gym," Steve responded, smiling at me.

"Thanks," I said, getting into the elevator with my precious food.

I made my way to the lab and put my yogurt and water in the fridge when I got there. I decided to call Jess to set up a consultation for Bucky. I quickly realized that I didn't know his availability, so I hung up before she picked up and left the lab.

NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT (BUCKY BARNES x OC)Where stories live. Discover now