Chapter 58

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TW: Mission, Violence
Word Count: 2130

"Ready to avenge things," I said, standing in front of them. Steve saw me and his eyes widened.

"Daisy, what are you doing here?"

"I'm on the team now," I said, shrugging. "Made my own suit and everything." I grabbed the tablet out of his hands and looked through the file. "We're supposed to go save people being held captive and hack into their files at the same time? I'll take the files. Are we going to have cars or something to transport the captives? They probably can't all fit on the jet with us," I joked, handing it back to Steve.

"We'll tell you the plan and how we'll approach it," Tony said, patting me on the shoulder.

"Alright, but you should listen to me because I hacked into your files in literally two minutes," I said, patting him on his shoulder.

I heard the doors to the roof open and turned around to see the rest of the team. Bucky was talking to Wanda as he stuck some guns into his suit. When he saw me, he looked shocked and then confused.

"What are you doing?" He asked, walking up to me.

"I'm on the team now," I said, shrugging. He still looked confused.

"But Daisy, it's dangerous and I don't want you to get hurt and—"

"I'll be okay," I said, giving him a reassuring smile. "The suit's made to protect me," I said, motioning to it.

"Alright," he said, grabbing my sides. "You look really good," he said, blushing. He went to give me a kiss, but couldn't get that far.

"Everyone on the jet!" Tony yelled. I noticed he was looking at Bucky and I. "You too," he said, pointing at us.

It was about an hour trip to the mission's location, and it was mostly filled with everyone asking me what I was doing and why I was there. I got annoyed after a while because they didn't seem to think that I was capable of doing anything. In the last ten minutes of the ride, Steve went over everything with us.

"We need Big Stark, Maximoff, Vision to initiate rescue of the captives. Wilson will keep lookout from up above here," he said, pointing to the building on his screen as he talked. "Little Stark, Barnes, and Romanoff, you guys will download the files. I'll be doing rescue with the others. Questions?"

"Yeah, why are there three of us downloading the files? I could do it on my own with Barnes," Natasha said from across the jet.

"That's what Tony and I decided," Steve said as he handed me a tablet with a map of the building. "With how it's set up, they'll probably be located here," he said, pointing at a part of the building.

"Thanks," I said, as I moved the map around. "So I'm assuming that I'm Little Stark?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Yep," he said, chuckling. "Now get it together."

I quickly figured out the best place to enter the building and told Bucky about it. He agreed with me and we ran it past Nat. She just shrugged before saying "if that's what you think." I don't know why she said it the way she did, but something tells me that she's not happy that I'm here.

When we landed, I stood up and put my earpieces in. I started up my suit and took a deep breath before leaving with the team. Bucky, Nat, and I went a different way than the others.

"I'm guessing we have a good ten minutes to get what we need," Nat said as we ran towards the one part of the building.

There were bad guys surrounding the building, and I watched as Bucky and Nat fought them. I realized I should probably beat them up too, so I quickly did one of my jump boosts and landed on a person, taking them down. I stood back up to see people start to surround me.

NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT (BUCKY BARNES x OC)Where stories live. Discover now