Chapter 69

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Please vote, it's the last chapter and I'm sad 😀

TW: Domestic Violence, Violence, Blood
Word Count: 4140

I was sitting at my desk, working on an extension for my suit. It was the next Friday morning, a week since they left for the mission. Alpine sat on my desk as I worked. He watched everything I did.

"Miss Stark, the team has arrived at the tower."

"Thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y.," I said as Alpine tried to come over to the piece I was working on.

"No problem."

"You're going to get electrocuted," I said to Alpine, trying to keep him away from the wires. I started trying to put the two wires together. I felt a shock and set the wires down quickly. "Maybe both of us should stay away from it," I said, petting Alpine. After a minute or two, I picked the pieces back up. I started trying to put two other wires together. "That's not going to work," I said, sighing. "Can't you just do it for me?" I asked, looking at Alpine. I got a meow in response. "Don't give me that attitude. I feed you."

"Are you lecturing our cat?" I turned around and saw Bucky in the doorway.

"I really wish I shut the door more often. Are you bleeding?" I asked, looking at him holding his right arm with his left hand. "Why didn't you stop the bleeding on the jet?"

"Ten minute ride. Didn't think it was necessary."

"What happened?"

"Got stabbed," he said, grunting. "Can I have some of that ibuprofen you're always talking about?" I handed him a bottle of water and got the bottle of pills out. "I can't really—" he started, trying to move his right arm to open the bottle, but he couldn't.

"Go to the infirmary," I said, motioning for him to leave. "Why did you come here in the first place?"

"I had to make sure you were okay," he said, still clutching onto his arm. "You didn't sound convincing on the phone."

"Sorry about that, by the way. I really did mean to call Tony."

"Sure ya did," he said, chuckling. "Why are you wearing a turtleneck? You never wear turtlenecks," he said, stepping towards me. "You said they make you feel like a turtle, and that's one animal you wouldn't want to be..."

"Because of all the oil spills," we said at the same time. I let out a small laugh before answering him.

"Washer's broken," I said, lying. "Stuck looking like an idiot until I get around to fixing it." I saw him narrow his eyes at me.

"Your washer's not broken," he said suspiciously.

"You wouldn't know that," I said, grabbing a clean piece of cloth. "You just got stabbed. Let's worry about that right now," I said, motioning for him to sit down on the table. He sat down quietly. "Take your jacket off." I had to help him take it off, and I grabbed some rubbing alcohol.

"It's not a huge deal, Daisy. It'll heal on its own soon."

"Do you want to lose your only good arm?" I asked, laughing as I soaked the cloth. "This looks disgusting," I said, gagging silently.

"You don't have to do this. I told you it'd be—"

"I'm doing it," I said quickly as I pressed it against the gash without warning. He grabbed onto the table, groaning.

"Could've warned me," he breathed out.

"Buck up," I said, cleaning the wound out. Alpine came over and put himself on Bucky to comfort him.

NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT (BUCKY BARNES x OC)Where stories live. Discover now