Chapter 49

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TW: None
Word Count: 2060

Jess, Bucky, and I sat on the couch and talked for a while. Kayla showed up about a half hour after Liss left. We had lunch together and watched movies before I checked my phone and saw that I had about an hour until my training session.

"I should probably get going. I have training in an hour," I said, standing from the couch.

"Alright. Have fun, Dais," Jess said, hugging me before Kayla hugged me. I saw that they hugged Bucky too and that made me smile.

When they left, I made my way to my room to get changed into workout clothes. I felt Bucky hug me from behind as I looked in my closet for a shirt.

"Why don't you skip training today? I'll make sure you get a good workout in."

"Sounds like fun, but I shouldn't miss it," I said, turning around in his arms. "I'll be back around eight." I gave him a kiss.

"Why don't I come with you?" He asked, his hands still on my hips.

"If you're up to it," I said, shrugging. "Get ready."

I went directly to the gym when we got there, but Bucky dropped off Alpine to Wanda. When I got into the gym, I was met with Cody on a bench waiting for me. I set my water and phone down on a different bench before putting my gym shoes on. I stretched out in silence before he started talking to me.

"Heard your boyfriend got back unharmed."

"Yeah," I said simply, not really wanting to talk to him.

"That's a shame," he said, moving towards the ring.

"No?" I asked with uncertainty, ending my stretching.

We started sparring, and I felt like I could easily predict his next moves. "Lookin' good, doll," Bucky said, walking into the gym.

"Thanks," I replied quickly, still focusing on fighting.

After I finally pinned him, I got a drink of water and Cody told me the things I could've done better. He then suggested Bucky and I fight each other so he could tell me what to do.

"I'm tired from the mission, so if I'm off, that's why."

"Are you making excuses now?" I asked, getting ready to fight him.

When I used to fight him before training, there was absolutely no way I could've taken him down. Now, I'm feeling like I might have a small chance. We fought back and forth for a while. Cody would give me advice, and I'd try my hardest to listen to him. I could still tell that Bucky held back when he fought me, though.

After a few rounds, we stopped and I went to do target practice. I was pretty good with a gun, and I was getting better at throwing knives. I'd still completely miss the target sometimes, but I was improving. After I was done with the target practice, he made me run five miles. I did this right next to Bucky, laughing and talking with him the whole time.

After we were done with the running, my training session was over. It was the best one yet. There were no awkward moments between Cody and I when Bucky was there. It was nice having Bucky to lighten the mood the whole time. We picked up Alpine from Wanda and headed home. When we got back to the apartment, I let out a yawn as I stretched out a bit.

"Thanks for coming to train with me," I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "You should get a shower."

"You need one too," he said, nudging me playfully.

"I'm going to clean up a bit out here," I said, taking my shoes off.

"Alright, doll," he said, kissing my forehead. "I'll be out soon."

NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT (BUCKY BARNES x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt