Chapter 61

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TW: Blood
Word Count: 2360

I was left alone in shock with shattered glass everywhere. I stood in silence for a few minutes, not being able to move. The recordings were on the floor mixed in with the broken glass. I bent down to pick them up. I lost my balance and collapsed to my knees, crying out in pain when the glass inserted itself into my skin. I quickly moved to a spot on the floor where there wasn't any glass and sat on my butt. I was bleeding heavily and didn't know what to do, so I called Jess.

"Hey, what's up?" She asked cheerfully. I almost hung up because I didn't want to be a burden.

"Can you come here please? I'm bleeding. There's glass everywhere," I said reluctantly through unsteady breaths.

"What?!" She asked frantically. "I'm on my way. Hang tight." I hung up the phone and called Liss.

"How's the surprise date going?" She asked with a small laugh. I immediately heard Sam and Steve's voices saying hi to me too.

"Take me off speaker," I said quietly.

"What's wrong?" She asked after she hopefully took me off speaker.

"There's glass everywhere. I'm bleeding. Jess is on her way, but I need you too. I really fucked up, Liss," I said, sobbing.

"Shit, what happened?" She asked, sounding worried.

"He found out about the wire and that I looked through his journal. Can you just come here please? I need you right now."

"I'll be there as soon as I can be," she said, hanging up the phone.

Alpine came over to comfort me. I pet him as I bawled uncontrollably. I took a deep breath and took my shirt off to use it to try and stop the bleeding. It didn't work because pieces of glass were still lodged in my legs.

While I waited for Jess, I could only hear two phrases he said to me. They played over and over again in my head. You're no better than anyone at HYDRA. I hate you. I kept hearing those two sentences until I knew that I was one of many people who've hurt Bucky. He didn't deserve any of this. I'd never hated myself more.

I waited a while longer before Jess and Kayla bursted through the door with a medical kit. Kayla sat beside me and put an arm around me. Jess immediately went to work on my wounds. Kayla held my hand and helped me through the pain Jess gave me when she took each piece of glass out.

"It'll be okay, Dais," she said. I shook my head rapidly as I started to cry harder.

"I fucked everything up," I said, holding Alpine in my right hand as she held my left.

"This one's deep," Jess said, pointing to one of the cuts with a gloved finger. "I'm going to need to put stitches in it." She gave me a shot with numbing stuff in it.

"I'm so fucking stupid," I said, trying to steady my breathing. Liss came rushing in about a minute after.

"Oh my god," she said, closing the door and rushing to the side Alpine was on. She picked him up and sat down next to me, holding my right hand.

"Kayla, come help," Jess said, motioning to herself with a needle in her hand.

After about ten minutes, I was still on the floor, laying on my back. Liss was laying next to me, holding my hand to comfort me. Kayla and Jess were sweeping up the glass carefully. I tried to just get them to leave before they started cleaning it up, but they refused to go.

"Here," Jess said after cleaning up the glass. She handed me a blanket from the couch. I sat up when I realized it was Bucky's blanket. I held it close to my chest and cried into it.

NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT (BUCKY BARNES x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora