Chapter 19

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TW: None
Word Count: 1913

I opened the door and was shocked to see that Lissa had brown hair.

"Liss!" I said with excitement, and we hugged each other. "You're not blonde anymore."

"Nope," she said, laughing. "I'm hoping to attract people who aren't douchebags. I'm hoping being a blonde was just a reason of why I never had luck."

"Well I would've dyed mine red like Jess's. I've been a brunette for years and look where it's got me."

"Damn, you're right," she said, taking her shoes off. She turned to the living room and saw Bucky. She looked shocked at first, but I'm guessing she saw that he had no arm and realized it was Bucky. "Hey I'm Melissa, but everyone calls me Lissa or Liss."

"I'm Bucky," he said quietly. I could tell he was nervous.

"I've heard so much about you, Dais never shuts up about you and how much she—ow!" I nudged her with my elbow and smiled at Bucky.

"Do you guys want iced tea?" I asked, making my way to the kitchen. They said yes, and Lissa sat down on one of the chairs by the couch and started talking to Bucky. I'm glad Liss showed up first because she's the least awkward of us.

After I gave them drinks and we sat talking for a while, instead of a knock at the door, Brook came in. This is usually normal, but Bucky was startled.

"Morning gals," she said, shutting the door behind her. "Oh, hey, I'm Brooklyn. You're Bucky, right?"

"Brooklyn?" He asked, looking at her and then me.

"Now you've met two of us," I said, with a laugh.

"Yeah, I'm Bucky," he said back to her.

"You have no idea how much Daisy talks... about fruit. She loves strawberries and stuff." I shot her a look halfway through her sentence and she quickly changed what she was going to say. I didn't want him to know how much I actually talk about him.

"Oh really? I didn't know that was such a strong passion of yours, doll," he said to me. My face was a deep red.

"There's some iced tea in the fridge if you want some, Brook," I said, gesturing to the kitchen and ignoring Bucky.

"Thanks," she said and grabbed herself a cup. "So one arm, huh?" She asked, sitting down in the other chair I have in the living room. I gave an exasperated sigh and started playing with my hair. I was worried that he'd get offended.

"Uh, yeah," he said awkwardly.

"How did you lose it?" She asked, obviously not seeing how she was overstepping.

"I fell out of a train," he said. I could tell he was starting to get anxious.

"Do you mind if I interview you sometime? My readers will love to hear about the famous Winter Soldier and how he's doing now!"

"Brook," I said, giving her a look.

"Sorry," she said, shrugging. "I'm not used to meeting new people without wanting to know everything about them."

"It's alright," he said and took a deep breath.

There was another knock at the door and Brook yelled for the person, probably Jess, to come in.

"You guys will not believe how many little toy cars I had to remove from a grown adult," Jess said, throwing her bag on my counter. "I should not have to remove 4 cars that were lodged in a man's intestine just because someone dared him to eat them."

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