Chapter 13

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TW: Drinking
Word Count: 1986

The next day went by fairly quickly. I spent the day reassuring Bucky that the surgery will go smoothly. I also offered to stay in the tower tonight, even though I'll probably be spending the next few days here after his surgery. Calming Bucky down wasn't the only thing I did. I got some general work done for the company, too.

When nighttime came around, I helped Wanda make something for everybody. We decided to make a few pizzas from scratch because it was pretty easy and fun to make. I kept reminding Bucky not to eat or drink anything after midnight, practically drilling it into his head.

Dinner was hectic with a bunch of different conversations going on. I mainly stuck to talking with Steve, Bucky, and Sam, though. After dinner was done, I decided to watch a movie on the couch, inviting everyone to do the same. Half of the team went to bed, and the half that was left either stayed at the table talking, or watched a movie with me. Bucky, Wanda, Vision, Clint, Sam, and I all watched the movie quietly. I had a whole bottle of wine that I was practically cuddling with. Every so often, I'd take a big drink out of it.

After the first movie, Wanda went to bed. Vision wasn't far behind, but Steve came over to join us. "I know you can't get drunk, but do you want some wine?" I asked, holding my bottle out towards Bucky on the other end of the couch. Tony came through the elevator doors and sat down on a living chair.

"I'm okay," he said with a smile and I saw Sam and Steve talking to each other quietly.

"Hey Dais, can you tell some stories?" Steve asked after he was done talking to Sam.

I started telling a story, and a few minutes later I found myself standing in front of these men telling them stories while I was completely drunk.

"I haven't told anyone this, yet and it's been years," I said emphasizing the word 'years.' "So I was standing there with one of the richest, hottest men in Monaco on a beautiful balcony when he had to go inside. So I'm sitting there, minding my own business, waiting for this hot guy to come back when I heard a loud thud. I turned around to see this big, scary guy, and he was like 'gimme the files' and I said 'hell no' and I threw a glass purposely behind him to distract him. Oh and he was like wearing a little mask and had black makeup all over his face and he was wearing all black, it was crazy! Anyway, I jump off the side, and I found the most conveniently placed beam and I grabbed onto it like a sloth. Oh! And I lost my shoe. But I hear these loud footsteps and this voice says that I've been eliminated. So I wait there until it's quiet and sneak back up and when I get there I'm draped in THE hottest man in Monaco's arms and we start kissing, and people start taking pictures." I was breathing heavily by this point. "And that's the story of how I almost got murdered by an assassin, jumped off a balcony, lost a shoe, had sex in the middle of a party, and then went home barefoot all in one night."

I looked across the room and the boys all had different looks on their faces.

"You didn't tell me about that," Tony said through a clenched jaw.

"That. Was a wild ride," Sam said, clapping.

"So you just jumped?" Steve asked, with concern in his voice.

Bucky stayed silent.

"Nobody caught on that the man was obviously Bucky when he was working with HYDRA?" I let out a loud gasp as Clint asked that question.

"Bucky, you were the hottest man in Monaco?!"

"The other one!" Clint yelled.

I stood frozen for a few moments. Everyone else did too.

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