Chapter 15

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TW: None
Word Count: 1855

When I got back down to the infirmary, Bucky was still sleeping and there was a nurse in there. She looked like she was about to wake him up. "Oh, be careful, please," I said in a whisper. "He gets startled easily."

"Oh, sorry," she said, stepping away from him.

"It's okay," I said, smiling at her. "Let me."

I set the blanket I was holding on one of the chairs before I went up to him and placed a hand on his chest and one on the side of his face, ready to calm him down. I shook his chest lightly and he tried to sit up, but my hand prevented him from. He was breathing quickly.

"It's alright, it's just me," I said gently as his heart rate increased. He settled back down into the bed and gave me a smile. I took the bag off my shoulders and sat down next to him. "There's a nurse here for you."

"You guys are so cute, how long have you been together? Don't worry I won't tell anyone," the nurse said, walking over to his I.V.

"We're just good friends," I said awkwardly.

"Oh my god! Sorry if I made things awkward," she said and changed the bags.

"It's perfectly fine," I said, reaching for the pancakes.

"I'm going to change your gauze, Mr. Barnes," she said, walking to the left side of his bed.

"You can call me Bucky," he said, watching her unwrap his shoulder. "What's your name?"

"Ariana," she said, with a smile. I looked over to try and get a good look at the plate.

"I like that name," Bucky said, smiling back at her.

"Thank you," she said blushing.

"No problem, doll," he said. I felt confused as I heard him call her 'doll.' I know I don't own the nickname, but that's me. He calls me that. I felt my face burn red as I tried to distract myself with my phone.

It seemed like they started flirting back and forth with each other. I'm well aware that I have no right getting jealous over the way Bucky is treating her, but I can't help but feel super jealous.

I ended up setting the pancakes back onto the counter and pulled out my laptop, starting to get to work already. I heard them continue to talk for a while and I did my best to try to ignore them. It must've worked pretty well because the spell was broken when I heard Bucky say my name loudly.

"Huh?" I asked, looking up from my computer.

"I said that you look angry. Are you okay?" He asked. I looked around the room and saw the nurse was gone.

"I'm good," I said, forcing a smile. "I brought us some pancakes." I put the stand in between us and we ate them together in mostly silence. "I forgot to tell you I brought some clothes for you." I reached down and grabbed the bag. I put it on the side of the bed. "Oh and this blanket." I set the folded blanket next to the clothes.

"Oh, thanks doll," he said and I grunted angrily and involuntarily, remembering how he called the nurse the same thing.

"No problem," I said, forcing a smile.

"Are you okay? You sound upset."

"Just stressed," I said with a lesser forced smile. "I've been worrying about you, trying to design the arm so you're not stuck like this for a long time, and I don't know. I've just been getting in my head lately."

"I'm sorry if I've made you feel this way," he said quietly.

"It's not your fault, honey," I said, smiling at him. "I think I just need a nice bath at some point." I put the stand to the side because we were done eating. "How bad does it hurt?"

NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT (BUCKY BARNES x OC)Where stories live. Discover now