Chapter 37

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TW: Drinking, partying
Word Count: 1939

The doors to the elevator opened to reveal a small party. I almost immediately noticed Thor drinking heavily as he danced in the middle of the room. We all got out and I looked around cautiously. I saw Pepper come up to us and she grabbed me from the others.

"Your cousin has pulled another stupid stunt. Please help me out," she said, leading me to the hallway with the rooms in it.

We stopped at the room that used to be Bucky's. She opened the door and there was a teenager, probably around sixteen, sitting at a desk. He was tearing apart an old TV set.

"Oh, hi Miss Potts," he said, turning in his chair. His eyes widened when he saw me. He stood up quickly and held his hand out to me. "Miss Stark. Wow it's so good to meet you. I'm Peter Parker. I have a picture of you in my room back at May's because I'm so inspired by you. I uh, said too much didn't I?" He asked and I smiled at him.

"It's perfectly fine. Why are you here?"

"Mister Stark brought me in. I'm Spider-Man."

"You're the spider kid he was talking about," I said, making the connection.

"That's him," Pepper said, grabbing my left arm. "We're going to go back out," Pep said, leading me out.

"Tony's got some major daddy issues," I said as we walked back down the hallway.

"What do you mean, daddy issues?" She asked as we opened sliding doors and stepped outside, getting away from people.

"Think about it," I started, glancing across the skyline. "He had issues with his dad, so when I was having issues with my parents, he took me in, no questions asked. He's been acting as a concerned, protective, advice giving person to me for years. I told him to stay out of my love life, so he's adopted a new person to guide. Peter called whoever he's living with by their first name, so that suggests that he has some sort of parental issue."

"Holy crap, you're right," she said, sighing. "Thanks Dais. I need to go talk to him."

"No problem," I said, staying outside as she went back in.

I still had a fear of balconies ever since that one time. I realized that this was technically a balcony, and I felt myself freeze up. I noticed that there wasn't a railing, only one on the other side. I tried to ignore it and go back inside, but I couldn't move. I started to feel like I couldn't breathe properly and I started fidgeting with my sweater. I heard the same heavy footsteps from years ago and I jumped, turning around, being startled by the noise.

It was Bucky. "Hey," he said gently. "Why are you out here?" I tried to talk, but I couldn't. I just shook my head and tensed up. "It's okay," he said, stepping towards me cautiously. He grabbed a hold of me gently, putting his right arm behind my back as he walked me inside. "Why were you out there, doll?" He asked, sitting me down on a couch.

"Pepper wanted to talk alone, so she brought me out there. It's no big deal," I said, shrugging. I stood up and he did too. "Time for that singular glass of wine," I said, walking towards the bar thing he followed me. I knew that after that, I wouldn't be able to relax with one glass. Or wine for that matter.

"Stark," Nat said as I approached the bar.

"How'd you get stuck on bar duty?" I asked, sitting down. Bucky stood behind me.

"Lost a bet, but I like it here anyway," she said, shrugging. "What do you want?"

"Just a glass of wine," I said before mouthing "make it vodka."

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