Start from the beginning

Ayanda:" scelo I'm sorry okay I don't now what changed or what happend to me, please give me another chance to be your girlfriend and you'll see that I'll make a good wife and mother to your kids "

Sicelo:" I'm going to say this one last time and you better get that through that fucked up head of yours. Nothing and I mean nothing between us is ever going to happen between us ayanda, it ended before it even began. Accept it and move on with your life "

Ayanda:" no!, no!,no!,no! " she bangs the table hard shocking everyone

Mah:" why are you banging the table? "

Me:" you said you googled us right ayanda? "

Her:" yes I did "

Me:" why? "

Her:" because I wanted to find out more about scelo? "

Me:" before or after you guys ended things? "

Her:" after okay! "

Me:" and what did you find out exactly? "

Her:" that you guys are a private family and you have many businesses and you're all rich "

Preston:" AH HA! "

Me:" so that's the real reason you're here right? "

Her:" uhhh yes, I mean no!, how dare you ask me that? "

Me:" lets cut the bullshit ayanda!, stop this friendly looking confused girl act. I don't know you personally but I can read a person and you smell like bad news, there's something sinnister about you and it smells bad "

Ayanda:" I don't know what you're talking about okay, I'm not a bad person! "

Me:" I hear you but you need something from my brother or us, what is it, what is the real reason you're here? "

Ayanda:" what?, me?, what would I need from you guys ? "

Dad:" same thing that brought you here "

Ayanda:" well I just want to be scelo girlfriend and get married to him "

Dad:" and you'll live the life you never thought you will "

Her:" uhmm well I guess but I am scelo girlfriend he made a promise to me that he is all in, so I want him to keep that promise! "

Dad:" asilethi izintombi lana emzini kababa ayanda, siletha abomakoti " " in my father's house we don't bring girlfriends, we bring only brides "

Ayanda:" but here I am ready to be scelo wife! " she starts to get upset

Dad:" who brought you here ayanda? " she stands up

Her:" .......I did "

Dad:" sit down ayanda! "

Her:" I'm fine just standing thank you very much "

Me:" wow! "

Preston:" the audacity ayanda! "

Dad:" how much money do you want so you can get out of my son's house? " she smiles

Her:" really? "

Mah:" Oh my God! "

Dad:" yes I'm serious "

Me:" name your price ayanda cause we know you only want money "

Her:" well, I love money more than you scelo so hmmm let me think "

Sicelo:" you disgust me ayanda "

Her:" oh get over yourself the world doesn't revolve around you! "

Dad:" bring me my check book scelo "

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