Chapter 25

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Songs of the chapter:

Once In A Lifetime by One Direction (Listen to this song, it's absolutely perfect.)

Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeren

Shadow by Austin Mahone

Fire N Gold by Bea Miller

Austin POV


I look in the revere mirror, towards the girl who has made my life better these past few months since we meant. Becky. Such a beautiful name. I wouldn't have expected less from someone so beautiful,so sweet.

I see that Becky has a worried look on her face. She has been like that ever since we got into the car. I wonder what is making her worried. Was is something I did? Was it something I said? I shake my head, deciding that I would ask her about it later.

I look out the window seeing the familiar surrounding of San Antonio. My home town. The place I grew up in. The place that holds so many secrets and bad memories. I didn't want to come here, fearing that it would just bring back bad memories that I try so hard to hide from myself and others. But, I wanted Becky to meet my friends and them to meet her.

A couple of minutes pass with Alex sitting beside me, making a small conversation with Becky, when we finally pull up to a familiar brown house, Alex's house. I spent most of my time here when I wanting to be away from home, from all the drama.

I unbuckle my seat belt, once Alex had parked, and opened the door. Sterling out my arms I open the door where Becky was behind and open it. Becky climbs out the car and smiles at me. I smile back to her.

I can't help but notice how short she was compared to me. I feel as if I were to hug her I would hurt her. I stare at her and smile to myself. She is so beautiful with that beautiful smile, her long brown hair that draped down to her waist in a beautiful wave, and her beautiful brown eyes that stare right back me.

"What? Why are you looking at me? Do I have something on my face?" she asks as she takes her hand and touches her face, seeing if she has anything.

My smile gets even bigger, "Your face is fine, it's more than fine actually, it is beautiful." I say but then regret it because it sounded really stupid to me.

Becky's cheeks turn an adorable shade of red, "W-w-what?" she asks me with a shaky voice.

I shake my head, "Nothing." I reach down for her hand and bring it to my lips, placing a light, gentle kiss to it, "It was nothing." I whisper against her hand. I look up to Becky and see that her cheeks got even redder. Her eyes are on my lips but then they move to my face. She gives a shy smile to me.

"Hey lovebirds! " Alex calls out, ruining the moment, I shake my head and look to where Alex was standing, smiling at us. "Let's go inside before yall freeze." he walks up the steps and waits at the door for us. I squeeze Becky's hand and we both walk up the step and into the house.

I look around the house, seeing that not alot of things changed since I last been here. The way the furniture was placed didn't change and neither did the colors of the walls. Only little things changes here and there. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and not to long after two familiar faces showed themselves.

"Robert! Zach!" I yell with excitement and let go of Becky's hand, running towards my two best friends. I grab the both of them and embrace them in a tight hug. After a few seconds have passed I let go of them both and take a step back.

"Hey Austin, who's the cutie?" Robert asks nodded his head toward Becky. Who is shyly staring at her surroundings and shifting from one foot to another. I smile at the sight. She is so freaking adorable.

"Robert, Zach, This is Becky." Becky looks at me when she hears her name. "I told you about her a couple of times." I say.

"Oh," Robert nodded his head and gave me a wine and shook my head with embarrassment. "So your the girl who Austin has been talking about nonstop." I gave a shy smile and look toward Becky. She had a smile on her face.

"So I've been told." Becky says, referring to when Alex told her the exact same thing.


I unlocked the hotel door and opened it. Becky and I spent all day with the boys, just hanging out. I could tell that they all liked her. I mean who wouldn't she's smart, charming, beautiful, and so sweet. She is the whole package.

I walked into the room and look around. Dark red paint lined the walls, a king sized bed in the middle of the room, and a dresser on the other side. I set mine and Becky's suitcase on the floor next to the bed and faced Becky. She was standing awkwardly next to the door.

"What wrong?" I asked her while walking toward to where she was standing.

She looked up from the floor and smiled at me, "Nothing wrong, I was just thinking." I nodded my head.

I could see that she was lying but I didn't push her into telling me the truth. If she didn't want to tell me then that was fine. I didn't want her to fell like she had to tell me everything.

"Do you want to take a shower first or should I?" I asked her.

"You can go ahead." she nodded and sat down on the bed, taking off her shoes and jacket, now that we were in the warm.

I nodded my head and grabbed a pair of clean cloths then hopped into the warmth of the shower. Thinking about tomorrow. Tomorrow night I would do what I wanted to do since the moment I met her.

I had to do it.

Even though it was going to change things.

Change everything.

But one way or another, I Had To Do It.

Author's notes-

I know this chapter is super short, this was more like a filler chapter. Next chapter will probably be either on Monday or Tuesday. Most likely Tuesday. And I promise that chapter will be better than this one. Comment what you think of this chapter and please don't forget to vote.
Also I'm going to start doing songs of the chapter every chapter for now on. The songs are most likely going to be the songs I listened to while writing the chapter.

Love you-

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