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The bride wore a beautiful white wedding dress. A dress that made the groom speechless. The few people who were invited too the wedding smiled at the look on the groom's face as the bride walked down the isle. 

His face showed nothing but love. Love for the beautiful woman he still had trouble believing was his. She was so pure. So beautiful. So perfect. He could not imagine a life without her in it.

When the bride reached the groom, his smile grew. This was the happiest day of his life. The fact that he got to enjoy it with the important people in his life made his even happier - if that was even possible. 

After the bride and groom said their vows (ones that the both swore to keep) to one another, they shared a long, passionate kiss. One filled with love.

"I love you, Becky." He kissed her again. He ignored all the clapping and laughing and shouting that was happening around them. The only thing that mattered at that moment was in his arms; his beautiful wife. 


(Exactly one year later) 

Although the boy knew how much his wife hated  surprises, he could not help but laugh at the look on her face as she pleaded him to tell her where they were going.

"It's a surprise." He repeated for the hundredth time for the pass thirty minutes. 

The girl pouted her lips and crossed her arms over chest; something that the boy found very adorable.

"Do worry you will love it." The boy assured her and continued to drive to the location. "We are almost there." He said, truthfully.

"That is what you said ten minutes ago," she grumbled. At age twenty two, she still was a kid at heart. One of the many reason why Austin loved her. 

"This time I'm serious." He looked away from the road for a few seconds and gave her a smile. She smiled at him back. The rest of the ride was silent. Not that awkward silence; it was one of those comfortable, enjoyable silence.

Ten minutes later the married couple reached their destination.

"Is this what I think it is?" The girl got out of the car and walked over to where her smiling husband stood,looking at her with so much love you in his eyes. 

"Yup," he smiled, proudly. "The place I took you for our first date." The girl couldn't help but hug him. 

"I love it." She stood on her tippy toes and pressed her lips to his. "Thank you."

The boy said a quick "you're welcome" and then he grabbed her hand and together they walked to where it all started. They reached an opening and in front of them was the same lake that Austin had showed Becky years ago. It was still as breathtaking as it was years ago.

Austin unfolded a blanket that he had in his hands and he sat down. He gestured for Becky to sit down beside him. Austin faced her. 

"How did I do for our first anniversary?" He asked her. 

She smiled at him, "Well, for one thing you did not forget it, so for that I praise you." She laughed.

"I would never forget that day." He looked at her, the look make her blush, slightly. "It was the best day of my life." She blushed even harder. 

"You are the best thing that happened in my life, you know that. Right?" He asked her and she nodded.

"You remind me every day, so it is kinda hard to forget that." She smiled.

"I love you." He leaned in and rested his forehead against hers.

"I love you." Becky leaned in and kissed him. She could never get enough if him. She still got butterflys in her stomach every time they kissed. 

"I will always be next to you." He whispered. 


The end


So today is a very sad day for me. Today I wrote my last chapter from Next To You. I have tears in my eyes. I am so sad. I wish I could just continue to write this story . I fell in love with it. But of course everything has too come to an end. :'( 

I want to thank each and every one of you for supporting this story. There were times where I felt like deleting this story, but after I read yalls comments I immediately felt better. You guys inspired me to write. So I thank you. So so much. I love you all with all my heart. 

And as for a sequel...... I'm still thinking about it. If a lot of people ask me to write one, I may write one. Idk. I will just wait and see. 

I love you. Thank you, once again, for all the support you guys gave me. 

- Rosie 

Next to You ➡  BecstinWhere stories live. Discover now