Chapter 13

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Austin brings his hand to the back of my waist pulling me closer to him. Guiding me to his lap never once braking the kiss.

I rest one of my hand on the side of his face and the other on his chest as i climbed on top of his lap. Austins chest moving up and down from his rapid breathing.

"I'm sorry" Austin says quietly as he pulled his mouth away from mine. His hands still on my waist holding me on his lap.

"For what" I ask confused.

"For kissing you like that. it was only supposed to be a simple kiss. But I couldn't control myself."

"I didn't mind." I quickly say. And once again his mouth is on mine.

His moves his hands from my waist and to the back of my neck. Pulling my face closer and deepening the kiss. not that I minded

He pulls his mouth away from mine and and moves to my neck. His fingers intertwine with my hair. His lips sending hot kisses all over my skin.

But as quickly as it came it went away. Again.

"That was amazing," he breaths out with that adorable smile on his face.

All I could do was nod since I was still on awe.

That was perfect.

"Austin." I say slowly. "Can I ask you something?"

He looks at me with a confused look on his face and nods. "sure."

I take a deep breath and ask the question that has been bothering me for a while. "That day that I stayed over at your place you screamed in you sleep." I pause on the middle of my question and just stare at Austin face.

It has gone from that adorable smile to a really hard glare.

but he did not say anything so j continued. "Why did you scream?"

He released his hands from the back of my neck slowly and just stared at me.

I climbed off of his lap seeing that he looks absolutely pissed.

"I'm sorry I asked. You really don't need to answer that if you don't want to. " I say while staring at the ground.

I feel the bed move and I look up to see Austin. "I'm sorry its just that I really don't like talking about it. " he says while placing his hand on top of mine on the bed.

"I'm sorry to I shouldn't have brought it up."

He give me a smile. But unlike the other times where his smile could light up the whole room this time his smile was dull. And it looked like it was being forced.

What could have happened to make him get so angry that quick?

sorry I haven't updated plz don't hate me anyways tell me what you think of this chapter and don't forget to vote.

also why do you think Austin won't tell Becky about his pastcomment your thoughts.

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