Chapter 2

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Here I am again. Walking through the same park at the same time as last night.

Please be here. please be here. I mentally repeated over and over.

I went to the same place as I was yesterday and he was there. Right there in front of me. Watching the stars. I bet he loves the stars as much as I do.

I could see his face. His gorgeous face. His hazel eyes looking up at the sky. That smile that could light up the room. I had to say that he was really attractive. He looked like he was about 17.

I sat next to him saying nothing. I waited for him to break the silence.

"Here again?" He asked.

"I love this place." I said and I looked at him. But he didn't look back. I don't think he even looked at me once last night at all.

"Me too. I come here every night." he said. "I never saw you here before until last night," he stated.

"Yeah I just started coming here yesterday."

There was a moment of silence until I decided to ask, "What's your name?"

"Austin," Austin, that name suited him really well. "What's yours?" he asked.

"I'm Becky."

"Becky? Is that short for anything?"


"Well Becky its nice to meet you." he said.

We spoke a lot that night. I know that his full name is Austin Carter Mahone. He moved here a year ago. He's from Texas. Hes the only child.  He moved here with his mom.  He just turned 18 years old. Just a year older than me. But he's home schooled.

He's something really unique. He's that type of guy I've been waiting for. That someone to fill my empty soul. I noticed that throughout the whole conversation we had he has not looked at me. Not once. 

"Why'd you move to California?" I asked out of nowhere. Filling the silence.

"Some family problems. I really don't want to talk about it." He said. His voice suddenly turning cold.

Seeing that this subject makes his mad. I dropped it not wanting to scare him away.

"I have to go." he suddenly got up and started to walk away.

"Wait." I called after him. He turned around. For the first time looking at me. "Will I see you again?"

I could see that amazing smile forming on his lips. God he has such a beautiful smile. "If you want to, you will," and with that he was gone.

"I really hope I see you again." I whispered to myself.

I really don't know when I would see him again since tomorrow will be Sunday and the next day I have school. Uh why does he have to be home schooled. I suddenly got this sad feeling that I won't see him again.

I got up from where I was sitting and stared walking home. His words replying in my head 'if you want to you will'.


Monday, school day. I didn't see Austin last night. Since school was the next day. I had to get some sleep. But either way I hardly got any sleep at all. I missed him. I know it sounds crazy since I just met him and hardly know anything about him but I still do.

But of that little time I did sleep. I dreamt of him. Seeing those beautiful hazel eyes that beautiful smile. I liked him a lot. I'm just scared that he won't feel the same.

He probably sees me as a pathetic girl.

"Becky? Why so sad?" I heard a British voice call. Witch brought a small smile to my lips.

"I'm not sad Zayn. I'm just a little tired." Witch wasn't a complete lie. Zayn's one of my best friends. But I could never see him more as that.

"What did you do last night?" he asked with a confused face. His brown eyes staring at mine.

"Nothing. I just had to many thoughts. My mind was anywhere but my head." I simply replied. laying my head on the cafeteria table. Wishing school would just finish already.

"Why is that?"

"Zayn, please I don't want to talk about it." I yelled at him. instantly regretting it.

"Okay sorry." he said his smile now leaving his face as he looked down to his food.

"No no I'm sorry for yelling at you I'm just a little grumpy today." I said as I took one of his hand in both of mine.

"Becky, have you thought about what I had told you last Friday?"

"Yes, I did." I replied looking up to a smiling Zayn. "I'm sorry Zayn but my answer is no." once I said that his smile on his face faded and his eyes turned sad.

"Why?" he asked as he took his hand from mine.

"Zayn, I'm not the one for you. We were meant just to be friends. Nothing more."

"How can you be so sure if you never give me a chance?"

I don't know how to reply to him. so I just kept quiet.

"Look, give me this Friday to show you how I truly feel about you then you can chose. Ok?" I know I should give him a chance but I cant. I don't want to hurt him any more than I already am.

"l...." but he stopped me. He took his hand in mine and I looked up. I could see in his eyes that he is really hurt. But what am I supposed to do? I don't feel the same way towards him. As he does to me.

"Just Friday night." he asked again.

"Zayn, i'm sorry but..." he didn't let me finish my sentence instead he just got up from his seat.

"Yeah you said that before. Keep it for those who want to hear it." The he left without saying anything else.


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