Chapter 37

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During the whole week all I ever did was think about Austin. About the way his lips felt against mine, the way he constantly ran his fingers through his hair. Every single little thing about him I remembered. Most of all I remembered the way that I felt more at home with him than I ever did with anyone in my life. I missed him so much. It hurts me every single day to realize that we are never going to get back together. Never.

"Get your lazy ass up and stop  feelinh sorry sbout your self." Rose's voice startles me. She is standing next to my door frame with her hands on her hips, her eyes looking at me with pure annoyance.

"Leave me alone." I wrap the blacker over my head and all of the sudden the blanket is ripped off of me. "Hey!" I sit up, sending her a death glare. "That was unnecessary." I reach out and try to grab the blacker out of her hand. 

"Get up." She throws the blanket on the floor and glares at me. "Get up and start packing." 

"Are we going somewhere?" I sit up on my bed. 

"Yes." She says, "I am getting you out of this house. We are going to the lake house for the weekend before school starts again." She explains. 

"But-" she lifts up her hand to stop me from saying anything. 

"You are going. I don't care if I have to frag you out of the house and into my car. One way or another I am going to get you out of the house." 

"Who else is going to be there?" I ask, finding no point in arguing with her. She always gets her way. That is one of the many lovable things about her.

"You, Niall, me, and three other people we know." She turns around and opens my closet. She grags ahold of my suitcase and places it on my bed. "Hurry up and pack, we are leaving first thing tomorrow morning." 

With that said she walks out of my room and closes the door. Sighing, I get up from the bed and start packing. 

Maybe this will be good, maybe this is what I need. Time away from things that remind me of Austin. Space to finally clear my head.


"Who exactly are the three other people we know?" I ask Rose who is sitting in the passenger side of Niall's car. She turns her head and looks at me. 

"Just some people from school. Some of our friends." She turns her attention back to the front, and stares at her fingers like they are the most interesting thing in the world. 

"Like......" I wait for her to say there name but she does not, instead she reaches for the radio and turns it on, turning up the volume so that it is impossible for her to hear me. 

What was that about? Why is she acting so weird? Well weirder than usually.


"We are here!" A scream wake me from my dreamless sleep. I sit up quickly, bumping my head on the window and wincing. 

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