Chapter 29

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Just a little warning there may be some sexual stuff going on in this chapter so please read it at your own risk. I'll try to not go into full length detail. Anyways hope you like it.


   I inhale shapely as I feel Austin's hands trail up my back, underneath my shirt. "Can I take this off?" Austin asks me as he pulls the hem on my shirt.

   "Yes,"  I say so fast, that I think I may have sounded desperate. Austin's hand trails up my side as he begins to pull my shirt over my head, I raise my arms to make it easier for him. I feel goosebumps scatter across my skin as Austin continues to kiss me passionately.

    Austin's lips leave mine as his eyes wonder across my chest. I bite my bottom lip. He leans down and starts to cover my neck with open-mouth kisses.  He gently sucks on a spot just above my left collarbone and he bites softly into the mark that had just formed.

     A soft moan leaves my lips, my breathing starts to become hard as he continues to such on my neck. All of the sudden, Austin stops what he is doing and sat up, grabbing the back of his shirt he pulls it off, revealing his perfectly sculpted torso.

     Austin leans back down, his stomach touching mine. He continues to kiss my lips, hard and passionately. His hands trail up and down my stomach as his fingertips gently brush the hem of my blue bra.

   His lips leave mine and then he starts to kiss my shoulder, gently. My chest begins to rise and fall as I begin to breath harder and harder.

    "Shit,"  Austin mutters as he looks at me, his eyes full of hunger, "Becky if you don't want this to go any further we have to stop now."  his eyes leave my chest and he looks at me straight in the eye.

   I'm speechless, Don want this to going any further? How could I stop him? How could I stop myself?

    I my brain I'm not entirely sure is I'm ready to do anything with Austin but the throbbed in my stomach says otherwise. Due to my inability to respond, Austin's hands slide under me as he lifts me up and drops me onto the bed. He looks at me with so much passion, I squirm under his gaze.

      "You. Are. Absolutely. Breathtaking."  he says each word slowly. He sits on the bed beside me as we both continue to stare at each other. Neither of us breaking the eye contact. I sit up and gently run my hands across his torso. He arms quickly go to my back as hide unhooked my clasp.

   A flash of worry comes over me. Are we about to have sex? 

   "it's okay,"  Austin says, his voice husky. "We're not going to do that today."  he mumbles as if he could read my thoughts. His words calm my racing heart. But then quickly after that a new heat creeps through my body. He unfastens my pants, slowly going  beneath my underwear and my breath quickens.

  Omg. Omg. Omg. Omg. Omg. Is the only thing I could say.

    Our mouths press harder together as my hands slide across his muscles. A moan escapes my lips as he finds me. I close my eyes, there's a small but pleasurable pain but I chose to ignore it. I quickly grab onto his shoulders, digging my fingers into his flesh as he groans. The felling is new and absolutely pleasurable. My skin begins to flush at his gentle touch.

      This feels so good, I think to myself. I writhe under the growing sensation until I release with a exhilarating breath.

    I  feels my body relax - my head feels light and my body begins to tingle. I close my eyes, petting out a deep breath as my body relaxes into the bed. Austin pulls me to him and I wrap my arms around him as I rest my head in the crook of his neck.

        Well that was new.


   So I'm not proud of the length of this chapter. And it was kinda awkward writing this kind of things but of well. I hope yall enjoyed it. ;)  comment what you think and don't forget to vote. There might be another update later on today.


Love you,


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