Chapter 31

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Song Of The Chapter:

- Fix You by Coldplay

- Turn Your Face by Little Mix

- Fool's Gold by One Direction

- I Won't Mind by Zayn Malik


"Austin, what was she talking about?" I say once Camila is out of sight. Austin still has his back towards me but, he slowly turns around to face me. The look on his face makes him look so frightened. Just like that time I slept over at his house and he woke up screaming from a nightmare I still don't know about.

"Here is not the place to explain it." he says so lowly that I almost didn't hear him. He nods his head to behind him and I look. There is a lot of people walking around, crowding the place.

Austin takes a step toward me and I take a step back. His eyes watch my every move and his jaw tightens. "Why did you step back?" he says with a voice louder than before.

"Tell me what the hell Camila was talking about." I lift up my chin to make myself seem taller. Which didn't help at all. Seeing that I'm about a feet shorter than Austin.

"I told you, here is not a place to talk about it." he says and reaches out and takes my hand. I remove my hand from his and take another step back, away from him.

Away from the guy who is keeping secrets from me.

Away from the guy who hides his feelings and emotions on the inside and doesn't let anyone in.

Away from the guy who I fell for really hard.

Away from the guy who I like so much, that I think I might love him.

Away from my boyfriend.

"Becky, please. I'll explain everything, just not here. Not around all these people." his voice sounds defeated.

I look at him. At his face. The face that is so perfect that I can not find any words that can describe it. The face that I dream about all night long. The face of the guy that is keeping secrets. "Fine." I take a step towards him and once again he tries to grab my hand. "No," I remove my hand from his. "Not until you start explaining."

With that said I head off on front of him. Towards the car and wait for him to unlock the car so that I can get in.

I already know that today is going to be a long day filled with drama.


"Well," I turn and face Austin who has just finished closing the door to the hotel room. "Start explaining." I cross my arms across my chest and lean on my left leg.

Austin takes a deep sigh and walk towards the bed. My eyes never once leave him.

He sits down on the edge of the bed and places his head on his hands. He stays like that for about a good five minutes before he looks up to me with a frightened look.

"What ever I tell you, promise me that you would hear me out before you judge me." he says and I shift to my right leg.

"Austin just tell me already. I'm tired of you keeping things from me. I feel so left in the dark." I say to him.

"Promise me." he says with a loud, demanding voice.

"Alright, fine! I promise to not judge you. " I lift up my arms in defeat and walk towards the chair in front of the bed and take a seat. "Now tell me what the hell Camila meant by 'One of your little games?'"

"Alright," Austin sighs. "But, you promise to not judge me right?"

"Yes, Austin!" I yell annoyed.

"OK, so about a year ago, way before I moved to Los Angeles and meet you, I meet Camila. She was new at school. She was a year under me, and the guys at school had this sort of little game that whoever slept with the most virgins wins what they call 'the virginator.' Well there was only one Virgin standing and that was Camila. So, since there was a tie between me and some guy named James, we had this competition on witch whoever slept with Camila first, won the Virginator. "

Austin takes a deep breath and I look at him with complete disgust. How could he do that to some girl. How could he use them like that for some idiotic game.

Austin must have noticed that look I was wearing on my face because he got up from the bed and walked towards me so fast. "Becky, you promised that you would judge me until you known the rest of the story." he says as he crouches in front of me.

I look away from him, not saying anything, not saying a word. Austin gets up and starts pacing in front of me.

"So, James and I both went after Camila. But, I went after her first. The way I got the other girls to sleep with me was by making them fall for me. I took them on perfect dates. I told them they were beautiful. I made them feel special. I treated them the way they wanted to be treated. So, of course, I did the same with Camila. I took her on dates and had fun. There was something about her that made her different from the rest. She wasn't clingy, like the other girls. She was perfect. And instead of making her fall for me, I fell for her. Hard. Once James found out that I had feelings for her he told her everything. He told her about 'the virginator' he told her about my little games. He told her absolutely everything. The next day at school she confronted me. Calling me out in front of the whole school and telling me how much she hated me. She told about how she felt so betrayed and broken. I made her feel that way. I was the reason why she was broken."

I turn to Austin and see that he stop pacing and instead he is looking down at his feet with his frown on his face. I resist the urge to reach out and hug him. And instead I wait for him to continue his story.

"James saw how broken Camila was and saw an opportunity to sleep with her now that she was broken and I was out of the picture. But, you see, James had some sick was of proving that he slept with the girl. He videotaped them. All of them. All twenty of his victims. "

"How did you prove it?" I finally speak for the first time since he started his story.

"I never really had to prove it. The girls did it themselves. They told everyone that they slept with me." he says and I mod for him too continue his story.

"So, that was exactly what James did with Camila. He videotaped him sleeping with her. And the next day at school the video went viral. Everyone at school saw the video. They all saw the sick video. And by the end of the day everyone at school, including some teacher, we're watching Camila like she was some sort of freak. I tried comforting her. But she pushed me away. I was so angry that I fought James and almost sent him to the hospital. I was so angry with him. I was so angry with myself. All that anger I used to fight James. After that day I didn't see Camila at all. She dropped out of school. Her whole life was ruined and it was all because of me and my stupid need to win the virginator. "

Austin sits back down on the bed and once again he places his head in his hands. "I'm the reason she was broken." he whispers.


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