Chapter 7

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"I just wanted to keep you happy and pure. You won't find those things with me Becky."

"Who says that I'm looking for those things?"

"Every human being looks for those things Becky."

"Well I guess I'm not like anyone else." I said moving closer to him.

"Of course your not." I smiled at his answer. I wrap my arms around his waist and he does the same to me.

"Don't leave again. Please."

He didn't answer. Instead he just hugged me. We stood there in each others arms for a while until he broke the silence.

"I think you have to go home. Your family is probably worried about you." he said as we pulled away from our hug.

"When will I see you again?" I asked him.

"Like I told you before Becky. If you want to see me again. You will." and with that he was gone.


"So now you believe that he's real?" I asked Rose with a smile on my face.

Once I got home I told Rose about what had happened.

"I always knew that he was real. I just hated seeing you so sad and depressed because of him. I don't know what to think of him now. I don't know if he is good or bad. I just want to meet him and see if he is as perfect and good looking as you claim him to be." Rose said.

"He is. Believe me."


"Sad yesterday. Happy today. What's the reason for your smile?" Zayn asked.

"Her boyfriend." Rose and her big mouth said.

"He is not my boyfriend Rose. He's just a friend." I quickly snapped at Rose giving her a look for her to shut up.

"Really so that's the reason why you won't go out with me." asks Zayn. I could see the look of pain in his eyes.

"What no Zayn I already told you that I don't see you that way. And he is not my boyfriend. We are just friends."

I said to him but he just ignored me and got up from his seat at our usual table and left.

"Zayn!" I yelled after him but it was no use he was already long gone. I couldn't help feel like a bitch. All I do is just hurt him.

"Rose you seriously don't know when to shut up don't you. And me and Austin are not dating!" I shout at her.

"Oh please Becky. You already know that I do not like Zayn. All that he wants to do is get in your pants. But you are just to blind to even notice. Don't be a fool." She says as she got up from her seat and leaves me alone. In my own thoughts.

Ugh hopefully Austin is at his usual spot today. I really want to see him.


Short chapter I know but at least I updated! so anyways tell me what you think of this chapter and please don't forget to vote!!! BYE!

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