Chapter 36

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Songs of the chapter:

- Where Were You by The Fray

- Impossible by Shontelle 

- No Air by Chris Brown and Jordan Sparks


Austin's POV

"Austin." Her voice is surprisingly gentle. "Austin, do you want to go inside?" 

I don't answer. I just nod my head and let Camila lead me inside the building. My head is down. My eyes are burning. My throat is sore as if I have been screaming all day. Everything is numb. Every single part of my body is numb. Just like before I meet Becky. 

Camila leads my to a table. Not just any table. The table that I - we - always sat at. I sit down across from her but I do not dare look up and see the girl I broken. An other girl that I destroyed. Looking at her will only bring up horrible memories. 

She reaches over and puts her hand on top of mine. My breathing stops. Everything in the room stops. Her hand is warm against mine. Warm and comforting. 

"Austin." I close my eyes. "Austin look at me." I shake my head. No. It will only make this pain worse. 

"Austin. Please look at me." Her voice is demanding but still, I shake my head. 

"It will only make this worse." I whisper so lowly I am not even sure I actually said it or if she heard me. 

"What happen Austin?" She put her other hand on the table and reaches for my hand. Now both of her hands on on mine. "What did you do?" 

"I fucked up." I repeat. "I destroyed her. I broke her. Just like I broke you." I wait for her to say something but instead of me hearing words, I hear laughter. Uncomfortable, painful laughter. 

I look up at her with my eyes narrowed. How? Why? Why would she be laughing? 

"You didn't brake me Austin." She stops laughing but a comforting smile is still on her lips. "You actually make my life better." 

"How?" All the surprise and confusion inside if my is into that one simple word. How. 

"After you left San Antonio, my life was awful. Every single person at school looked at me with disgust. They saw me as a slut. A whore. My life was miserable." I look at her with the same amount of confusion as before. 

"How exactly did I make you life better?" 

"It was not you who made my life miserable. it was James." She says his name with pure disgust I almost manage a smile. 


"It wasn't you who I was mad at. Although it seemed like it, but it wasn't. It was the disgusting bastard James. He is the reason for all this." 

"I still had something to do with it though." I say silently. Gently. "You should hate me." I look at her eyes. Her familiar brown eyes. 

"At first I did hate you. I hated you more than I hated James but then after a month of all the name calling and the bullying, my parents though that it would be a good idea for me to move to an other school. So that is what I did. I started a new life. No one there knew about my past. No one saw me for what I was. I became a knew, better Camila. And," she has a bright smile on her face. A smile that brights up the whole room. "I meet the love of my life. Michael." She says his name with pure love. "I told him about my past and he still stuck by me. He showed my that I couldn't let my past determine my future. He showed me how to move on. And I did. I moved on. I moved on and then I started to not blame you anymore. I forgave you for everything you did." 

"But last time I saw you, you said-" 

"That was only because I was surprised to see you. I didn't know how to react to seeing you. So I said the first that that came to mind. I meant nothing i said. I was just saying gibberish. It meant nothing. Absolutely nothing."

I let out a deep breath and run my hand through my hair. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulder. 

"So what is wrong with you. Who was that girl with you the last time I saw you. She was beautiful." Camila looks at me. Waiting for me to start talking.

"Her name is Becky." I say her name. Her beautiful, simple name. The name that belongs to my love of my life. 


"What happen. Where is she now?" 

I open my mouth and the words just flow through me. I tell her everything that happened. Every single thing as best as I could. I tell her how we first meet. I tell her about my feeling I had - have- for her. I tell her everything. And she sits there and listens. Listens to everything I say. 

When I'm done I am out of breath. It feels good to let all of my emotions out. To talk to someone while they listen. Patiently.

I look up from the table and stare at Camila. I wait for her to say something. Anything. "You must really, really like her." She smile at me.

"I love her." I admit. And it feels really good to say it out loud.

"Then why are you with her? Why aren't you at California with her? Why are you here and she is over there? Austin if you love her, fight for her. Win her back." She looks at me dead in the eyes. 

"You're right." I admit. "You are absolutely right." 

"Of course I am." She smiles. 

My phone starts to vibrate in my pocket before I can reply to her. I reach inside my pocket and unlock my phone. A text. A simple, yet demanding text is shown there on my screen. 

"So when are you going to go back to California?" Camila asks while looking at me while I  look at my phone. 

"Tomorrow actually." 


Yeah I updated. I apologize for so much dialogue in this chapter. I felt that it was necessary. Also, i apologize for it being so short. I will make the next one longer. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Tell me what you think. And don't forget to vote. I love you all so much. Thank you for the support on this story. It really means a lot to me. And I am sad to say that there are only four more chapter left in this story. I know. I know. Im sad too. 

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