chapter 3

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I just had to see him. Austin. He has never left my mind since the first day I had meet him.

So here I am. Walking down the path that seemed so familiar now. Even though I only walking through it once or twice.

Hopefully he would be there. I just had to see him again. I had to.

I smiled once I saw him. He looked so perfect sitting down, gazing up at the stars. His eyes sparkling the way the stars did, making him look even more angel like.

I quickly walking up next to him and sat down. Looking up at the night sky. Admiring its beauty.

Neither of us said anything for what seemed like forever until he broke the silence.

"You came back."

"Is that a surprise?" I looked at him. He seemed different than the other times I had seem him. He looked broken.

He didn't answer my question. Instead he asked. "So how was your day?"

"Same as usually. Horrible." I thought of lying to him. Telling him that everything was fine. But I just couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to do it. For some reason I wanted him to know the truth of how I feel everyday.

"Well your not the only one I'll tell you that." he said with a small sarcastic laugh.

"What do you mean?"

He didn't answer instead he just shook him head. Not wanting to talk about it.

"Tell me." no reply once again. "Why wont you tell me?" I asked kinda hurt. I thought he had trusted me. Yeah we only meet but I felt as if we had known each other longer.

"Because I don't want to scare you away." he finally replied.

I just waited there waited for him to explain it more.

"I'm scared that once you discover the real me you'll run away."

"How would you know that I'll run away?"

"Oh trust me you will. And you would not be the first one to do so."


I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about tonight. How Austin looked so broken.

We didn't talk that much after him confessed that he didnt want me to know about the real him. We just sat there looking up at the sky. Enjoying each others company.

We didn't stay there until morning again. Instead he left early. Saying he had to go somewhere.

He seemed different. Austin. He didn't seem like the same person I met. He seemed more. I really don't know how to explain the way he was acting. It was just different.


"Hey Becky," I heard Zayn whisper to me while we were at our regular table at lunch. And by our I mean our group that contains. Niall Zayn, Rose, and myself.

This was the first time since yesterday that Zayn had talked to me.

instead of answering him I just nodded my head. Waiting for him to continue.

"Becky I'm sorry for yesterday. You really didnt deserve the way I treated you yesterday."

"Look Zayn can we just forget that yesterday even happened. Please."

He nodded and continued what he was doing.

Sorry I didn't update the last two days. I really didn't know what to write about. And sorry for the short chapter! Anyways I try and update tomorrow!! DONT FORGET TO VOTE AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THIS CHAPTER!!!!!

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