Chapter 8

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I arrived at the usual spot he was already there. Laying on the grass with his eyes closed.

I couldn't stop starring at him. He just looked so perfect. His pink full lips curved to that amazing smile that I have grown to love. That feel so amazing on mine.

wait what no Becky stop thinking that way! I thought to myself.

I guess he felt me starring because his eyes opened and he stared right back at me.

"Well hello to you too." he said to me with that amazing smile of him.

I could feel myself blushing. Thank god that its dark out.

i just laughed awkwardly and laid next to him. Looking up at the beautiful night sky.

"How long can you stay?" he asked me.

"Um? How long do you want me to stay?" I asked him smiling.

"Till the sun rise." Wait that means all night. Uh I'll have to text Rose and ask her to lie for me again.

"So you are going to keep me here all night?" I ask him.

"Well do you want to go to my place then?" wait what! His place. In the back of my mind I kept repeating that its a bad idea. But I guess I didn't listen as I got up from my place on the grass and followed Austin to his house.

The walk to his house was quite. Not the bad awkward kind. But the comfortable kind. He had stopped walking in front of a bug beautiful house.

"Uh. Do you want to come inside?" he asked me as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. Instead of answering his I just nodded my head and we walking in side.

"Its beautiful in here." I said as I looked around. It truly was beautiful in here. Everything was like a treasure.

"Do you want something to drink?" he asked me. I nodded and he leaves me in the living room. I started to look around everything seemed so expensive.

"Here you go." he said scaring me a little bit.

"Oh um thank you." I said while taking the glass of water from him and taking a drink.

It was quite for a while as I was looking around the house. Admiring its beauty.

I heard Austin let out a loud sigh from behind me. "Look Becky i....." he was saying but he was cut off by another voice. A women's voice.

"Austin-"she stopped what she was saying when she saw me."Who's this?" she asked. I turned around. To find an older women standing at the bottom of the stair. She was really pretty. With her dark brown hair and brown eyes.

"Hi. I'm Becky." I decided to answer her question. But once she heard my name her eyes went wide. She started walking towards me and before I knew it she hugged me. I was shocked at first but them finally hugged her back. Not wanting to be rude.

"Austin has told me so much about you. But your even more beautiful as he had said!" She said as she released me from the hug. What she said really caught me by surprise.

Austin talked about me to this women. Whoever she was. And he said that I was beautiful. For some reason that made me smile.

"Mom!" Austin groaned from being me. Oh so this was his mom.

Wait he talked about me to his mom!!! What the hell?!?!?

"Okay sorry sorry!" She said with a smile on her face. "I'll just leave you two alone now." but before she left she hugged me one last time. "It was very nice meeting you Becky."

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