Charter 9

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Austin's POV

I shuddered as I heard the familiar banging of boots outside the door and did my best to stay quiet, not even allowing myself to breathe in deeply. The monster was outside, and here I was, stranded in the house, nowhere to run and hide. The door slammed open and a chill ran down my spine, like it always does. "Austin!" Dad yelled, and I could already smell the alcohol and tobacco in the air, as if there couldn't possibly be more putrid smells like that in the house.

I didn't dare move, knowing that it would probably be a bad move.

It was.

As Dad dragged himself into the living room, my fears all collided into one, and suddenly, I was staring into my worst possible nightmare. His long face, with deep, black eyes, stared into mine with hatred, like he hated my very presence. He probably did, anyway.

I wanted to glare back at him with defiance, yet I felt myself curl back from his angry gaze, willing for him to make a move, so that it could be over and done with.

He didn't, and we continued to stare at one another.

My heart was pounding fast, my hands were getting rather twitchy. It was funny, how a eighteen year old could feel this way. Then I looked down and realized that I was not a eighteen old, but a seven year old boy, with too-skinny arms and legs, bones protruding out in the oddest way.

Dad sauntered over to me, the tobacco and beer almost choking me in it's swirl. I wanted to hurl, but i couldn't. Helpless. Yeah, that was what I was. A helpless little boy.

Dad looked at me, his bloodshot eyes filtrating craze and rage. His fingers twitched and I flinched along with every twitch. He began to cackle. "Austin, do you know how much you look like your mom?"

I didn't answer, not daring to. He laughed angrily, He grabbed my tiny little arms, and shook me, hard.

I bit my lip in an effort to bite back the pain from the rush of blood that tore down my arms.

"How the hell did we make such a bloody mistake? We were perfect, your mom and I. We had everything, the whole world even, in our hands. And then she had to have you," He slapped me and I could feel blood trickle down the insides of my right cheek, "And then everything went wrong!" he started to punch me, and I kept real quiet, blocking out the pain, imagining that my mom was here.

Except, she wasn't.

"You," he hit me once again,and I could feel the bruises making themselves known. It was easy, I've spent everyday of one whole year to practice ignoring the pain. Dad would always come back from work, and take out his anger and frustration at me. I couldn't help but feel some contorted compassion for my dad.

He never used to be like this. We used to be the perfect family, one very close one in fact. But then one day Dad went hysterical. Taking it all out on me and my mom. I had no idea that it was wrong to be abused by my father. I began to spend more time with my mom singing to her for comfort, discovering my own passion in the process.

" Retard. Dumb-ass." With every word, his anger rose until it came to the extent that it was no longer avoidable. I could feel his hands cutting deep into my skin at various places. Finally, he stopped and reached for an empty beer bottle.

"You little fucktard." he snapped, and smashed the beer bottle against my skull.

I scream, jolting out from my all so familiar nightmare. 

Becky's POV

I woke up from the sound of screaming.

I quickly rushed to the where the screams where coming from. Austin's room.

Opening the door slowly peeking my head in I saw the most heart breaking sight I have ever saw.

Austin sitting up on his bed with his hands covering his face. I could see his body trembling and I could hear soft sobs coming from his mouth.

I quickly ran towards him and sat on the edge of his bed. Once I had sat down Austin looked up and I could see his eyes red and filled with tears.

I was about to ask what was wrong when he caught me by surprise but reaching forward and hugging me tightly. Like he was afraid that I would disappear at any moment. I quickly hugged h back and rubbed his back soothingly with whispering to his that its okay. Even though I have no idea what happened. But what ever it was it was pretty bad.

Bad enough to make him cry. And it just broke my heart to see him like this.

After a couple of minutes later his quiet sobs stopped and he was still.

"Austin are you okay?" I asked him my voice so quiet I didn't think that Austin had heard.

"Uh. Yeah it was just a really bad dream." he said in a quiet voice as he removed his hands from me and faced the other way. Whipping the tears that were left on his face. He turned back to me with a sad smile on his face. "I'm sorry that I woke you."

I just nodded and slowly got up from the bad heading towards the door. But before I could reach it I felt Austins hand grab my arm. Pulling me back towards him. "Please stay with me." he begged.

"Austin I do-" I was saying but I was cut of by him.

"Please. I just don't want to be alone tonight." he said and I looked at his face. His eyes were still kinda red from when he was crying and for the first time I just noticed that he was shirtless and was only in his boxers.

I quickly looked away. Feeling my face heat up. Omg his body was so ahkdd.." no Becky don't think about that. No. I said to myself.

"Please." he begged once again. His voice sounding so heartbreaking.

This time I actually did answer him answer him. "Okay." I said looking back at him. Forcing myself to not look at his body.

Austin smiled and led me back to him bed. i quickly lied down facing the wall Austin doing the same thing facing the other way.

"Good Night Princess." he said after a few minutes of silence. Making me smile at what he had called me.

"Night Austin." 

It was a few minutes later that I felt Austins arms wrap around my waist. I was shocked at first then I finally relaxed into his arms smiling on how right I felt in his arms.

"Sweet dreams Princess." he whisper into my ear. Making me shiver.

Oh god why did this feel so good?!


Yeah I updated sorry for the long wait but seriously I had goose bumps while writing this. I hope you like it please don't forget to vite and comment what you think!!!

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