Chapter 24

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"What are you thinking about?" Austin asks, his fingers gently touching my hand, leaving a trail of warmth in their path. Austin and I are in a plane on our way to San Antonio. Austin's mom had already left last week.

"I was thinking about when we first met." I say, watching Austin's brow lift as he shakes his head.

"Were you?" he asks surprised.

I nod my head, "Yup."


I shrug my shoulders, "I have no idea." I admit as I yawn.

Austin looks at me and says, "You should take a nap," He smiles, "I'll wake you up when we land." I nod and lay my head back and wait for sleep to come to me.


"Becky," I hear someone whisper in my ear. "Princess, it's time to get up, the plane is about to land." I lift my head from Austin's shoulder. "Sleep ok?" he says as he pulls a piece of my hair, that fell out of my ponytail, behind my ear.

I nod my head, rub the sleep from my eyes, and stretch out my arms. "My neck kind of hurts, but other than that, I'm fine." Austin smiles at me then looks out the plane window. Austin and I unbuckle our seat belts and get up from our seats.

"I can't wait for you to meet my best friends." He smiles.

I look at him confused and also a little worried. Best friends? I'm going to meet his best friends? "What?" I ask in a confused voice.

Austin looks at me and then nods his head, "Oh right, I forgot to tell you," he scratches the back of his neck, as if he is embarrassed. "I want you to meet my three best friends while we are in San Antonio."

"Have you told them about me?" I question because quite frankly, I'm a little curious.

I don't want to make a bad first impression on them.

Austin nods his head, "Yeah," he smiles, "They know about you."

"Are you excited to go home?" I ask Austin as we both shuffle out of the airplane.

Austin shrugs his shoulders, "I guess," he quietly says. There are many people in the airport, probably trying to get home for the holidays. Austin reaches down, grabs my hand and leads me through the airport, towards the baggage claim.

Austin and I stand hand in hand, waiting for our bags to come. When our bags come Austin lets go of my hand and grabs mine and his bag. I grab my suitcase from him and trail it behind me as we make our way through the crowded airport, hand in hand.

I look down, towards mine and Austin's hands and I couldn't help but smile. "Are we going to rent a car or is someone picking us up?" I question while still looking down at our hands.

"My best friend Alex is going to pick us up." he simply says. I nod my head and let Austin lead the way, seeing that he is the one that know where he is going. We walked for a couple more minutes before I feel Austin stop walking, making me stop as well. "There he is." he smiles down at me and then nods towards a guy in front of us who was looking down at his phone. I look at the expression on Austin's and I can't help but smile.

He looks so little when he smiles. I think to myself.

Austin let's go of my hand once we are close enough to Alex and he runs toward him. Alex looks up from his phone and smile when he sees Austin. He gets up from where he was sitting and him and Austin both hug each other in a guy hug. I smile at the sight in front of me.

When the both release each other from the hug Alex looks toward me and smiles widely. "You must be Becky." he says and walks toward me. I nod my head and smile. Alex surprises me by hugging me when he was close enough. I let out a awkward laugh. "Austin talks nonstop about you. " he says quietly for only me to hear it. Alex let's go of me.

"Really?" I smile toward Austin who is looking at the both of us weirdly. Obviously confused as to what we are talking about.

"Yup." Alex smiles.

"Wait what are y'all talking about?" Austin asks in a confused way that I found so adorable.

"Alex here just told me that you can't stop talking about me." I say playfully.

Austin glares at Alex who is trying hard not to laugh. Witch only mad Austin glare at him more. "Just telling the truth." Alex says with his hands up.

"anyways. We should get going." Austin says, changing the subject. Me and Alex both nod. I grab my suitcase and Austin grabs him and we both follow Alex throughout the airport and to his car.

When we all reach Alex's car Austin grabbed ahold of my suitcase and stuffed it in the truck along with his suitcase. I jump in the back seat of the car, hoping to get out of the freezing cold weather. The air was so cold that even though I am in the car I could still see my breath in a form of smoke. I shift in my seat, trying to get comfortable while waiting for Alex and Austin to get in the car.

Alex gets in the driver's seat and starts the car while Austin gets in the passenger seat. Starting the car, Alex blasts the heat and takes of down the street of San Antonio. I feel my body slowly beginning to warm up.

"So, Becky," Alex says distributing the silence in the car, "how did you and Austin meet?"

"Well," I say while remembering about how I was just thinking of how Austin and i meet while we on the plane. So many things has happened since we meet. "It was a while back I was laying down on the grass next to the park at night and then suddenly I felt someone lay down beside me. And that somebody was Austin." I say with a smile.

"Weren't you afraid though seeing that a total stranger sat beside you. Didn't you think it was like a rapist or something?" he asks and Austin looks to me waiting for me to answer.

I laugh, "No, for some reason I felt safe with him around. " I give a small smile to Austin and he smile back. "Hey Austin," I ask, "We're are we going to be staying?" I ask.

Austin looks back at me, "Me and you are going to stay at a hotel and my mom us staying with her sister." he shrugs his shoulder.

"In separate rooms or...? " I ask with a shacky voice.

"Same room." he says, "Is that okay with you?" he asks seeing that I am giving him a blank stare.

I nod my head. "Yeah, it's fine." I lie.

Omg. I think to myself. Two weeks, two whole weeks me and Austin are going to be sharing a hotel room together.

Aurthor's Notes
OMG yall must hate me so much and I don't blame yall . I haven't updates in months and I am so so sorry for that I just been busy with school and I just get so frustrated with everything and I had writers block for like the longest time to and I know this chapter is really short and I apologize for that but I'll try to make it up to you later. I promise that I would start updating on a weekly basis. Thank you guys so much for all the reads and votes it really makes my day to know that people actually enjoy reading my story. Plz comment what you think of this chapter and don't forget to vote. Love yall so much and keep in mind that the faster you vote/comment the faster I will update ;). Hope you enjoy the chapter and picture on the side of an amazing for Becstin edit I love so so much.

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