chapter 23

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My mom, dad, Austin, and I were all in the living room. Me sitting on the love seat with Austin and my mom on the other couch, opposite of us.

When my dad came home, with two boxes of pizza, I introduced him to Austin. At first my dad kept on giving Austin a weird look, but then he and Austin started talking to each other.

Talking about how me and Austin both meet and other stuff. I'm slightly surprised that both my mom and dad are getting along with Austin. Most of the time my parents don't trust anyone boy, beside Zayn, but that is mostly because I have known him for a long time.

"Mr. And Ms. Gomez" Austin voice interrupted the silence in the room. "My mom and I were wondering if it would be okay if Becky could join us on our Christmas break to Texas?" Austin asked politely.

Both of my parents looked questioningly at me, then back at Austin. "How long will this vacation be?" He asked Austin.

"It would only be for a couple of weeks." He replied.

My dad quickly sent a glance at my mom. My mom nodded her head and smiled. "Well , Austin, you seem like a really nice guy." My dad started, "so yes, you may take Becky."

Both me and Austin smiled at them, "Thank you daddy," I said hugging him.








I was walking Austin towards the front door. Both of my parents went upstairs in their room, saying that they are going to bed already. Rose had called me not so long ago saying that she is spending the night at Niall house.

"I had a good time today," Austin smiled.

I nodded shyly, "I'm glad you did," I answered, before Austin lips came crashing into mine. At first it was a little rough then it became more soft.

"Bye princess," he pulled back from the kiss and walked out the door and inside his car, driving off.

I closed the front door once I could no longer see his car. "Wow," I breathed out and smiled.

I walked upstairs into my room and went into the bathroom. I turned on the water, waited for it to cool down, until finally going into the shower.

Once I was clean I walked out the shower and into my room with only a towel wrapped around my short body. I was just about to change into a clean pair if cloths when I heard my cell phone rings.

I grabbed my phone from its place on my bed and answered it, without checking who it was.


"Hey princess." I heard Austin say at the other end of the line.

"Hi Austin," I smiled.

"What are you doing?" Austin questioned.

"J just got out of the shower, now I'm getting ready for bed." I said while balancing the phone on my shoulder and changing into my pj's.

"Just got out of the shower huh," Austin said in a teasing voice, I could practically picture a smirk on his face.

"Shut up," I blushed, shaking my head.

"I was just kidding princess." He whispered.

I climbed into my bed, shutting off the lamp on the side of my bed, "What are you doing?" I asked, curling up on my side, my phone pressed up again my left ear.

"Oh you know the usual," he said as if I knew what he normally did.

"Oh, and what is that?" I asked.

"Thinking about you," I automatically blushed when he said that.

"Oh," I said shyly, with a goofy smile.

We both were silent after that. Neither one of us talking, just listening to each other breath.

"Stay on the line," Austin whispered, "Don't hang up."

"Ok," I smiled and but the phone on speaker.







I'm not really proud of this chapter but at least I updated so comment what you think and don't forget to vote. Next chapter, I promise will be better than this one. Love you!!!

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