Chapter 34

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Songs of the chapter:
- Love Me So by Stereo Kicks (listen to this song while reading this chapter. It is absolutely perfect.)
- So Sick by Neyo
- Dust to Dust by The Civil Wars
- Eared It by The Weekend
Can we located where we went wrong. It's driving me crazy. It's tiring daily. - Love Me So by Stereo Kicks

Austin's POV

"Why don't you do it. She is your girlfriend, right?" Alex says to me. Trying to convince me that I should be the one to take Becky to the airport, not him.

"She is," I say it slowly, more like a question than an answer, wondering if we are together. She never did say we were over. But, then again she hardly said anything to me. "But, she said she needed time away from me. To think. That is exactly what I'm going to give her, space."

"You are an idiot when it comes to girls, you know that right?" he says.

I get up from my seat on the kitchen table, "Would you please just do it!?" I shout at him with frustration.

He stops eating his breakfast and looks at me with wide eyes. Instantly I begin to feel guilty. "Fine. I'll take her to the airport." I smile at him. "But," he stops me before I could thank him, "What if she asks me why you didn't come and take her to the airport? What if she asks me why aren't you and your mom going as well as her?"

I think about what he said. What if she does start to question him? Should I be the one to take her?

No. She specifically told me that she wanted time, away from me, to think. And that is exactly what I am going to give her.

"Just tell her, if she asks, that I'm giving her space."

"What if she asks why aren't you going back to California?" he asks while putting his plate in the sink.

"Tell her-" I stop in mid-sentence. "Tell her that I'm going to spend some time here, to also think."

He let's out a deep breath and walks over to the front door. Grabbing his keys from the top of the counter, he looks behind his shoulder and towards me. "Are you sure about this? This may be a chance for you to make up with her."

"Yeah," I sit back down on the chair and put my elbows on the table. "I'm sure about this."


Becky's POV

His hands trail up my body. Quickly, he unzips my dress. My hands work on shedding his shirt off of him, my hands roaming down his bare, toned chest and work their way to his hair.

My dress pools around my feet and he quickly picks me up. My legs wrap around him as he carries me to the bed. His lips attack mine and soon after we are in a full make out section. Our tongues twisting in the passion of the moment. We switch positions, so that I am now the one on top of him instead of the other way around.

My lips trail down to the side of his face and down to his neck. I cover his neck with small, passionate kisses. I hear a low groan coming from his mouth. He flips us so that once again he's on top.

His fingers find the hem of my underwear, he quickly pulls them down and removes them from my ankles, along with his boxers. He stops kissing me and sits up. Instantly I begin to wonder if I did something wrong. "What's wrong?" my voice comes out as a whisper.

He looks down at me and shakes his head. I start to feel insecure about my body. My naked body. "Nothings wrong." he says with a smirk. "I was just admiring the view." he winks and then trails his hands down my leg, pulling both my legs around his waist.

He slowly enters me and I close my eyes, gasping at the feeling of him. The sensational feeling of him. His teeth graze the skin on my neck as he and I move in a rhythmic motion. I start to breath heavily.

"Fuck." he says as he quickens the pace. His lips connect to mine once again. My hands move to his muscular back and then to I wrap them around his neck, pulling his closer to me than he already is. My legs tighten around his waist, pushing him further into me.

"I love you Becky." Austin whispers into my ear.

"Miss," I feel someone patting my shoulder, "Miss the plane is about to land." my eyes flutter open and the first thing that I see is the male flight attendant looking down at me.

"I'm sorry. What did you say?" my voice is groggy. I start to blink more and more, trying to adjust to the brightness.

The flight attendant smile down at me, "I said that the plane is about to land."

I sit up on my seat and rub my eyes with the palm of hands, "Oh," I say as I look around at the other people on the plane. "Ok." I smile at the flight attendant politely as I put on my seat belt, waiting for the plane to land.

Before I had gone inside the plane, I called Rose. When she answered she immediately started asking questions about the trip, seeing that I haven't called her once since I went to San Antonio, she had lots and lots of questions.

Instead of answering her questions, I simply just said that I will tell her everything she wanted to know when I get back to California. I guess my voice gave my mood away because after she heard my voice, she started asking if I'm okay. And being the person that doesn't like talking about her feelings, I simply answered, I'm fine.

And Rose being my best friend since forever, knew I was lying. She always knows when I'm lying. Mostly because I couldn't lie to save my life.

So, awaiting at the airport for my arrival, Is a confused and curious Rose. Waiting for me to answer her unanswered questions. And belive me. There are plenty of unanswered question, not only from Rose, but from me as well.


"Do you want to talk about it now?" Rose, who is sitting beside me on her car says while still keeping her eyes on the road.

"No," I answer the same thing I did the other ten times she asked me if I wanted to talk about it.

"Come on Becky, you are going to have to answer me one way or an other." she says as she nugges my side.

"I'll tell you when we're home. First I just need to rest for a little bit. Okay?" I remove my hand from the window and close my eyes, not caring if Rose replies to me or not.

When I close my eyes all I could see is images of my dream. My dirty dream. The dream where me and Austin, you know......... Did it.......

I start becoming uncomfortable with the thought of doing it. I never had this sort of dream or fantasy in my life before. Well, until today. And the thing that worries me the most is how much I wanted it to be real. No matter how much it makes me uncomfortable, I wanted it to be real. Even though I know Austin's dark and fucked up secret.

This has been the only thing on my mind since I have wooken up. The dream I mean. And the words Austin said at the end of the dream. "I love you Becky."

I need some holy water after I wrote this chapter. I felt so uncomfortable. Lol.

Anyways......... Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please. Tell me your thought and please don't forget to vote. I love you all,


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