Dive Bar On The East Side

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The atmosphere of the bar was at a steady high. Music blared, strobe lights flashed, and people were getting drunk and dancing. It was a fun place, though Sean and Kaycee sat at the bar, tending to keep to themselves. 

They'd both lost the other two friends they'd came with to the dance floor, about a half hour ago, though they had no trouble with just being with each other. 

Kaycee was still sober, only having had about half of the Sidecar that she'd ordered. She watched as Sean shifted his weight around on the barstool, trying to find a more comfortable seating arrangement.

"Woah!" Kaycee gasped, though laughed as she caught Sean by the arm. He'd seemingly shifted his weight too far to his left side, and for a moment, began falling off of his barstool. "Maybe you need to stop drinking." Kaycee joked. "Shall I get some water?" She playfully looked around for their bartender. 

"I've had just as much to drink as you have!" Sean joked right back, playfully punching Kaycee's shoulder. 

"Alright, alright." Kaycee giggled, wrapping her little joke up. 

Sean sipped delicately at his martini, before excusing himself to the restroom. "Don't go anywhere while I'm gone." He joked. 

"Wouldn't dream of it." Kaycee retorted, making Sean shake his head. 

Kaycee chuckled to herself, tapping her nails against the bar as she waited for Sean to return. Kaycee had attempted to scout out their friends on the dance floor, however, with just her eye's glance, she couldn't seem to find them. 

"Hey, Baby." A man's voice took Kaycee out of her thoughts. She turned her head to see a man she didn't know sitting in Sean's chair. 

"Hi, um, who are you?" 

The man smirked. Kaycee could smell the beer and cigarette smoke on the man's skin and clothes. "Does it matter?"

Kaycee's entire body tensed. "Yes, it sort of does. Really, I don't know who you are."  

"Well," The man stood up from Sean's chair and moved in front of Kaycee. He made it impossible for her to leave her chair as he placed one hand on either side of the bar beside Kaycee's shoulders. "I have an idea of a fun get-to-know-you game." He smirked. 

"Sir, what are you doing?" Kaycee asked, but only got a forceful, dirty kiss in response. 

Her heart skipped more than a few beats. She had no idea how to react; she felt powerless. 

The man's hands began to roam around her ribcage and she felt like she was choking. 

"Hey!" Another voice shouted, that Kaycee vaguely recognized as Sean's. Suddenly all of the weight of the man was off of Kaycee's body. 

She opened her eyes quickly to find Sean pushing the drunk guy around. 

"Sean!" Kaycee shouted out of fear. 

The man had been pushed to the floor, and Sean hadn't let up in his relentless beating of the guy. 

Some people from the outskirts of the dance floor had taken an interest in the newly established bar fight. 

"Sean, stop!" Kaycee shouted again, as blood began spilling from the man's nose. 

Sean didn't listen, he continued to beat the man until he was laying on the gross bar floor, unconscious. 

Kaycee was completely freaking out. Sean could kill this man! She didn't want Sean getting into any major trouble. 

"Sean, stop! For me, please!" Kaycee cried, reaching down to pull her boyfriend away from the man who had kissed her earlier. 

"Kaycee…" Sean gasped, cupping both of Kaycee's cheeks in his palms. He studied her face. "Are you alright? I swear to God, if that guy did anything to--" 

"Yes, Sean, I'm alright." Kaycee nodded slowly, trying to catch her breath.

Sean ran a calloused thumb under both of her eyes, wiping away her tears. "Let's get you out of here. I'm not going to let you walk home alone after that." 

"What about Gabe and Bailey?" Kaycee asked. 

"Screw 'em, we're getting you home safe." Sean grabbed Kaycee's hand and pulled her out of the bar. 

Kaycee watched as her breath could be seen against the nighttime sky. They walked in silence until they reached Sean's car in the parking lot. 

Sean opened the passenger side door for Kaycee and then got into the driver's side. 

He sighed loudly and set his hands against the steering wheel. Kaycee twiddled her thumbs, also breathing heavily. 

"I am so sorry." Sean spoke, shaking his head, speaking in a soft voice. "I shouldn't have taken it that far."

"No, Sean, you saved me." Kaycee scoffed. "It was only a kiss…"

"Yeah!" Sean exclaimed. "This time it was only a kiss, but he could've raped you! Jesus Christ, I don't know what I would do with myself, if I let that happen to you!" 

Kaycee's breaths shuddered at that thought as Sean pulled out of the lot. As Sean drove, he rested his hand on Kaycee's knee. 

Kaycee kept her gaze out of the window, trying to hide her tears from Sean. Kaycee didn't know if the gentle touch was for her or Sean. Maybe it was to comfort both of them. The rest of the car ride to Kaycee's apartment was silent. 

"Here we are." Sean announced when they pulled into Kaycee's driveway. 

Kaycee's gaze flicked over to Sean. She looked at him desperately. "Can you stay with me tonight? Sean, I can't stay alone. I'm scared."

Sean nodded. "Of course, of course, I'll stay."

Sean walked Kaycee inside and once she had changed out of her dress and heels, Sean had crushed her in a hug. 

"Kaycee, I am so sorry. I'd take it all back if I could, but if I was even a minute later, God, I don't know what would have happened to you." Sean spoke. Kaycee gripped onto Sean's shirt and hugged him tighter. 

"I'm going to bed, if you'd like to join me…" Kaycee suggested, nodding as she let go of the hug. 

Sean sniffled, dabbing away at his own tears. "You're not banishing me to the couch?" 

"Absolutely not." Kaycee smiled, laying down, leaving half the bed for Sean. 

They snuggled close, Kaycee gripping onto Sean's shirt again. 

"Hey, it's alright." Kaycee mumbled, now wiping Sean's tears away. "I didn't end up getting hurt, okay? You saved me, okay? I'm not saying that you shouldn't feel bad for what you did to that guy. Sean, you beat the shit out of him. But, I knew it was only because you loved me, okay?"

Sean kissed Kaycee's cheek as they both fluttered off to sleep. "Okay."



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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