Chapter 41

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A/N: woo, it was hard writting this *sighs* a lot of things happened in this chapter. Don't you guys like when Jimin he's carefree ? I really like when he let himself be happy.
I hope you pay attention to his behavior and how he try with Maze.


Maze's pov

I was bored, i really do hate groceries shopping. I push the cart while Tracey take the food and other stuff, this not how i wanted to pass my day off.

"Can you hurry up, i feel like i am with a child"

I stick my tongue out, she rolled her eyes.

"See, a child"

I shrugged we continue walking, i notice that she was a little bit anxious today during the car ride her phone didn't stop ringing and she turn in off i ask her what is it and she told me it's nothing, i wanted to ask more questions but don't she's moody and i don't want to piss her off more.

"Fuck, i forget the shower gel !"

She said and look at me im completely  unaware at what is happening, so i stare back with a question look.

"Go take it"

"Excuse me ?"

I ask stunned.

did she just order me around ?

She sigh, clearly irritated.

"Please Maze can you move your lazy ass and go take the fucking shower gel"

She said gritted her teeth i rolled my eyes, at least she said please.

"Fine, take the cart"

She take it, and i go to the aisle where the shower gel are.
I take 3 shower gel, i also take hair removal cream it was really needed, i don't like waxing at the beauty salon  i'd rather do it myself. Removal cream is more easy, fast and less painful.

I walk back to Tracey when i bumped into someone's back accidentally, one of the shower gel drop on the ground, i quickly apologies.

"Im so sorry, i didn't see where i was going. Are you okay?"

I ask and the person turn around. I sigh relief when i see who it was.

 "Well, isn't my favorite stalker"

He said teasingly with a smile, i quickly go down to pick the shower gel.

"I didn't see you"

I said quickly. He pulls me close to him and i was invading by his scent, i take a full of his scent resting my head on his chest. For some reason he calm me, maybe i was stress on my own and not just Tracey.

"Hey what is it ? You okay?"

I nod, inhaling his scent.

God, he smell so good

I really like his natural scent. He don't need any perfume or all these products.

(A/N: I bet Jimin smell so good in real life. I wonder what he smell like🤭)

"Yeah... im just tired"

I said and look up at him.

"What are you doing here anyway ?"

I ask curious, he supposed to be at work at this time.

"Jackson wanting to buy something quickly and he ask me to come with him"

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