Chapter 48

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A/N : The story, probably till the end will be in Maze point of view.


Maze's pov

I finally finish the dishes. I sigh tired, my back hurt like hell, i quickly dry my hands and go straight to our bedroom to lay down.

Yeah, our bedroom. I accept Jimin proposition, it's been 2 weeks now and before you judge me, hear me out.

I don't know if i made the best decision,  but i needed to not just think about me, we are not alone anymore i had to think about what the best for me and my baby. I don't know if forgive him that fast was good, i didn't completely forgive him for everything.

I made things clear between us it's the last chance i give him. If he fucked up again i'll leave him definetly, his sudden confession and that he's finally aware of his feelings was all i wanted. You should have see how happy he was when i say yes, i know it's hard for him to ask me to move with him, because you know the whole Chung-ae thing. But since we live together now he did everything to show me that now im the only one, he make a lot of effort kissing everytime he have a chance to, saying that he loves me.

Im not gonna lie my heart skip a beat each time he look at me saying he loves me and that he can't wait for the baby to be there.

I sigh when i finally lay my exhausted body on the bed, i just can wait to give birth and push the baby out of me. Believe me i love my baby and all i enjoy the pregnancy but now i come to a term when i have enough. I have back pain, so i can't stay up to long, i have big horrible migraines.

The baby start moving so much lately Jimin say it's because he could feel the presence of his father, even if i  wanted to say  no it's the truth since Jimin is there it's like the baby know it and want to express his feelings.

It was hard changing place suddenly like that, Tracey was not okay with that and she make it clear when she saw Jimin with me the day i come to take my stuff. She said i was forgive him to fast and trust him again was not a good idea, and whatever happend to never forget that he was not with me when i was down  but she was there instead of him.

Jimin try to talk to her and show her that now he change but she threatens him and she slap the shit of him i was shocked but deep down i know he deserve it.  I miss her so much not seeing her everyday is weird. Believe me living with a man is strange, unlike my dad i never live with another man, so there things that are new to me.

Jimin sometime make fun of me because i was shy in the first day, he is really nice he makes me comfortable and im proud to say he is the first man i ever live with. Natasha was surprise about my decision, i heard that she was upset with Jimin but now they are good.

I would say that the only one who is really comfortable with the situation and this whole getting back together is Christian and he was the one i was affraid of the reaction, and he is really happy about me living here and really i mean really happy about having a little brother. Before i move in with them, we have a discussion with him explain him the situation and the only thing he retained is that his going to be a big brother. He actually makes me happy he is so  kind and funny.

I heard my phone ringing and groan frustrated at who disturb my peaceful moment. I take it and see it was my mom who facetime me, i quickly regret that i groan.

"Hello mom"

I said with a little smile, with the phone in front of me. She has her face in front of the camera beautiful as always. She smile back at me

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