Chapter 13

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Maze's pov

"Come on Maze, don't be so boring let's go out!"   Tracey complain in my ear, she is annoying me right now.
"I don't want to go out tray, god ! How many times did i have to tell you ?"
I said getting up of my bed tired. "You are not funny !"

She said like a five years old.

"I was never funny, stop complaining"

"No you are all bouh ouh, before you were yeaaah! Now you are boring Maze"  I rolled my eyes, put my phone on charge and join her on my bed.
"You are speaking nonsense" I said a little bit amusing by her behavior, she dramatically threw her body on the bed and sigh.  "I can't believe we are going to stay at home on a saturday night, just because of a man"

"Okay first off all, i am staying home because i want. And second you can still go, i will say nothing you can even bring that Nina and your other friends with you, i'll say nothing"

I said to her, she turn her head to me staring.

"You know it's not true Maze, since the day that woman talk to you, you are sad and not yourself. I notice that you even avoid talking to Jimin, and if i notice that means he notice too since your phone blow with notification Maze"

I sigh, she is right all the revelation about Jimin's wife makes me thinking about it i didn't tell Jimin that his friends talk to me and ask me to make him "happy" i couldn't think straight it's just to much.

I knew when i met him that he had a lot in him, his eyes reflect no emotions,  like he lose his soul, it pain me so much. I was just having a crush on someone i just bumped into, and everything happened, i didn't plan to become someone rock.
I don't respond to her, i just lay on my bed.

"Maybe you should talk to him" She said breaking the silence and i open my eyes. "It's not a good idea"

"But you like him right ?"  She ask and i nod.  "Then talk to him, you react like you both were in a relationship and you discover is big secret "
I hit her arm.  "It's serious tray !"

"Okay, okay, but stop hitting me"  She hit me too and i laugh.  "Do you miss him?" I think about it. "Maybe"
I play with my nails, i actually miss talking to him it's been a few days now.  "Then talk to him, im sure it will please him"

"Since when you care about his well being ?" I asked, last time i remember she was jealous and though he was a killer.  "Since you tell me about his story, i appreciate him a little now. But that doesn't mean the idea of him be a murderer flop"

"Do you really think he... he wants to talk to me?"  I ask feeling insecure, maybe he already forget about me.
"You kidding ! He keeps calling you and text you so much, that it drives me crazy to always hear your ringtone. He even try minutes ago"

Well, it's true.

"What if he don't-"

"God Maze if your phone ring again i will answer it !" She cut me off and sigh. "It's just- i don't know what to do !" I said.  "It's weird, i feel good when im with him. The way he looked at me, he always stare deeply in my eyes that it make my body feel things.
When i saw him dancing, i never see him like this, so free, he looks like he's in control, that nothing will break him and fuck he looked so hot. When he talk about his son he have this big smile on his face, i feel so happy for him at this moment just see him smiles but then everything stop when the topic of his wife come. He always avoid talk about it or become angry. I can see he's hurt, he still have so much pain inside him that it hurt me see him like that, he don't want to express his feelings he keep everything for himself. Don't people say that confess to other help you ? He just don't want to, he shut everyone off when it comes to her even his bestfriend, i want to help him go through it, i really want, but how can i do when he's the one who avoid it ?"

I said as i feel tears warning to come out. Shit i didn't know i feel like this toward him, i really care for him. Much more that i thought.

"Maze, you must be really, really like that guy to be in this state" Tracey said looking at me i chuckle i must be look pathetic now.  "He see me as a friend"  I said.

"Then behave like one, make him face his issues even if it hurt him at least he will let it be. He for sure scared of something, he needs to talk to somebody even if he don't know himself "

She is right, i always talk to her when i have problems or doubt about myself Tracey is always there for me. Maybe Jimin need someone to be there for him, to take the pain away, i will be his Tracey. We always needs somebody to lean on.

"You are right, i will talk to him even if it's just between friends, avoid him will not fix things"  I said confident and she smile at me. "I am really happy you feel better babe, but don't rush yourself to this too much. I can see you have feelings for him and the way you talk about it, show it"

Did i have feelings for Jimin ? I don't thinks so, i just want to help him move on. It's just a crush i said to myself.

"Im not rushing into something, im just helping a friend, like i will do the same to you"

"I know, i just don't want you ended up broken, i can be wrong but the way you spoke about him i can say he have a lot of issues "

She said worry was written on her face,  issue ? Like what ?

"Tray, he just needs to do his grief, a lot of people go through it its not like im going to war or something"

She sighed. "If you say it then im with you because i love you i will always support you, but don't forgot i have a gun i can use it"  She said serious and i laugh, this why i love Tracey she always lightens the mood.
"Don't laugh im serious" We look each other and  we laugh i hug her.
"Thank you boo, i love you too"
I said. "I know"  She said and i rolled my eyes. "Don't you have a party to go?"

She shrugged.

"Without you ? Where is the fun in that?"

And again, i awwn in my head.

"You are really cute"

I said and she playfully flip her hair.

"Stop you are gonna make me blush"

We spent the night talking about others things, she told me that she have a thing with one of the guy at work. She just tell me they kiss but nothing more, i was surprise and then we talk about our favorite tv show Charmed and plan to binge watch it when we don't gonna have a lot of work and fall asleep.

During the whole night i couldn't stop thinking about Jimin, should i call him?

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